Thursday, May 21, 2015

Holographic World, Hide and Seek In Time, Rigidity

The unit vectors that represent \(t_c\), \(t_g\) and \(t_T\) forms a time cube.  This cube moves forward un-deformed from moment to moment.  Carried in this time cube is our 3D world, as space and time dimensions warp around each other. In this way we live in a holographic world where if we travel forward or backward in time, we find a complete world just as the present "now", to interact with.

Just like a hologram where each constituent parts carries information of the complete whole, we live in a holographic world in time.  When we slice time into small pieces we find a complete 3D world in the small pieces.

Is there a limit to the size of such slices?  Is time quantized, that there is a minimum time slice length?

Imagine hiding between time slices.

The key point here is that \(t_c\), \(t_g\) and \(t_T\) forms a immutable time cube.  Any effort to time travel by manipulating \(t_c\), \(t_g\) or \(t_T\) must return the time cube to its original form, else the world will be distorted.  Maybe it is because of this rigidity that we experience time as a singular whole undifferentiated into \(t_c\), \(t_g\) and \(t_T\).

Have a nice day.