Monday, May 25, 2015

Opps! Lucky Me

And we have a problem,

\(F=\cfrac{1}{12\pi r}\cfrac{d\,\psi}{d\,r}\)





\(m^{-4}\) missing?

WTF!  This also means that the post "Flux It" dated 21 Nov 14 is also wrong.

But \(\varepsilon_o\) to the rescue!  It is possible to introduce a constant \(\varepsilon_o\) to remove the inconsistency in unit dimensions and at the same time introduce the unit for coulomb charge \(C\).  But it is first, more important to realize that \(\psi\) due to a point source is distributed uniformly in a sphere with the point source as center.  The force due a change in \(\psi\) along a radial line, at \(r\) distance from the center, is also divided evenly over the surface area of the sphere \(4\pi r^2\).  As such the force at \(r\), along a radial line, is the force due to \(\psi\) per unit surface area of the sphere of radius \(r\).  In this way, strictly speaking,



still \(m^{-2}\) missing!

What happened?  Then comes \(\varepsilon_o\) with units of \(C^2N^{-1}m^{-2}\). Since \(\varepsilon_o\) would be in the denominator on the RHS, we have \(N.C^{-2}m^{2}\).  This is not satisfactory.

Maybe the second division by \(4\pi r^2\) in the derivation for \(F\) along a radial line is not required?

We could have, energy density over a surface area of \(4\pi r^2\), \(\psi_A\) as

\(\psi_A=\psi.4\pi r^2\)

If \(\Delta E\) is the energy in the thickness of the thin spherical shell around the center particle of radius \(r\),

\(\Delta E=\psi_A.\Delta r\)

When this shell is infintely thin,  \(\Delta r\to 0\),

\(\cfrac{d\,E}{d\,r}=\lim\limits_{\Delta r\to0}{\cfrac{\Delta E}{\Delta r}}=\psi_A\)

From which we obtain,


Strictly speaking we have lost the direction of \(F_s\) when we substituted in \(-\psi_A\) because
\(\psi_A\) cannot be negative,

\(|F_s|=\psi.4\pi r^2\)

But this force is distributed over the surface of the sphere of radius \(r\), as such the force along a radial line is,

\(|F|=\cfrac{|F_s|}{Area}=\cfrac{1}{4\pi r^2}\psi.4\pi r^2\)


If \(F\) is to have a inverse square law dependence then,


where \(D\) is a constant.  Using \(E=mc^2\) we have


but \(m\), mass density is in the time dimension so we have instead,


which then suggests that \(m\) stretches out in time in a corresponding way as \(\psi\) stretches out in space.  And instead of just a equivalence relationship we have a transform,


from space (\(r\)) to time (\(t\)).

Simplicity rides again.