Sunday, April 6, 2014

Gravity and Time Speed

The good thing about deriving gravity g, with any other mass is that it leaves room for anti-gravity without using massive bodies.  You can experience zero gravity without the need for a mass the size of this planet.

From previously,

\(g=-\cfrac { 1 }{ 2 } .\cfrac { d{ E }_{ m } }{ dx }\),


\({ E }_{ m }=\cfrac { E }{ m }\)  is the conservative field expressed as per unit mass.


\(\cfrac { E }{ m } ={ v }_{ t }^{ 2 }\) from \(E=m{ c }^{ 2 }\)

as such

\(g=-\cfrac { 1 }{ 2 } .\cfrac { d{ v }_{ t }^{ 2 } }{ dx }\)

which means that under different gravity g, time speed is different, to be precise, the differential of the square of time speed over distance is different.