Saturday, April 26, 2014

Technically, the Moon

Consider space density function of the form,

\({ d }_{ s }(x)=Ae^{(-\cfrac{x}{{r}_{e}})}+Be^{(-\cfrac{Orbs}{{r}_{m}}+\cfrac{x}{{r}_{m}})}+C\)

where \({r}_{e}\) and \({r}_{m}\) are radius of the bodies, Orbs is their distance apart (surface to surface) and A, B are constants to be determined.  C disappears after differentiation.

Then we let the inverse relationship between time speed squared \({v}^{2}_{t}\)and space density, \({ d }_{ s }(x)\) to be,

\({v}_{t}^{2}=F-D{ d }_{ s }(x)\) where \(F, D\) are constants.

Differentiating this with respect to x,


From the energy conservation equation,


Differentiating with respect to time and since total energy does not change with time,


\({v}_{t}\cfrac{d{v}_{t}}{dx}\cfrac{dx}{dt}+{v}_{s}g=0\), since \(g=\cfrac{d{v}_{s}}{dt}\) and \({v}_{s}=\cfrac{dx}{dt}\)


From previously, \({v}_{t}\cfrac{{v}_{t}}{dx}=-\cfrac{D}{2}\cfrac{d({d}_{s}(x))}{dx}\)


And so,


We know that the distance between the Moon and Earth is 384400 km, Earth's radius re = 6371 km, Moon's radius rm = 1737 km , Earth's gravity = 9.807 m s-2, Moon's gravity = 1.62 ms-2.

When x=0,g=-AD/2 re = 9.807


When x = Orbs = 384400-6371-1737 = 376292,  g = BD/(2rm) = 1.62 all higher negative power of  e are ignored.  And so we have an expression for gravity between Earth and the Moon


This graph has been scaled on the x-axis by 10 km.  It illustrate the gravity between Earth and the Moon.  But still, why wouldn't the Moon falls?