Sunday, April 13, 2014

Black Hole

And from the conservation of energy equation,

\( { v }_{ t }^{ 2 }+{ v }_{ s }^{ 2 }={ c }^{ 2 }\)

when \( { v }_{ t }=0\),

\({ v }_{ s }={ c }\)

that means the body falling into such a gravitational field will tend towards light speed.

Conversely, if a body is at rest in such a gravitational field it will have to gain light speed to escape such a field.  When,

 \({ r }_{ o }<0.00886 m\)

that is to say a denser body, we will need speed greater that light speed to escape, and light itself will not be able to escape from this gravitational field. Yes, we have a black hole.

Thank you for being here.