Thursday, October 19, 2017

It Was Nuclear

You will not believe that this old Chinese contraption that feeds a stove fire is nuclear,

The schematic of which for the mad scientist ready to blow up this world,

The piston is pulled for two seconds and then pushed for two seconds.  If we consider \(H_2\), from the post "A Small Boom" dated 16 Oct 2017,

\(\cfrac{1}{2}m_{\rho}v^{ 2 }_{ { max } }=E_{input/proton}=\cfrac{1}{2}c^{ 2 }*3.4354*0.08988*\cfrac{1}{2}\)


we might add the dimension \(2\times15.43\,cm\) for moving hydrogen gas in the pump.  (\(2\times28.6\,cm\) for pumping nitrogen and \(2\times30.68\,cm\) for pumping oxygen.

We are doomed...A nuclear reactor in every household!