These are density \((kgm^{-3})\) values for water at different temperature \(^oC\),
+100 958.4
+80 971.8
+60 983.2
+40 992.2
+30 995.6502
+25 997.0479
+22 997.7735
+20 998.2071
+15 999.1026
+10 999.7026
+4 999.9720
0 999.8395
−10 998.117
−20 993.547
−30 983.854
Steam has a density of \(0.6\,kgm^{-3}\) and ice has a density of \(916.7\,kgm^{-3}\). What shall we do?
Between ice of density \(916.7\,kgm^{-3}\), water at \(0^oC\) of density \( 999.8395\,kgm^{-3}\), and water at \(100^oC\) of density \( 958.4\,kgm^{-3}\) increasing temperature will hit \(v_{boom\,ice}\) of ice first then with increasing temperature as density drops, \(v_{boom\,100}\) of water at \(100^oC\).
\(329.25\,ms^{-1}\) is very close to the sonic boom, \(v_{boom\,100}\) is the reason why the spout of the kettle made to taper, whistles when water boils. A narrowed opening increases \(v_{boom\,100}\) to a sonic boom. Of all the particles involved the most likely candidates responsible for the whistle are \(g^{+}\) and \(g^{-}\), because steam escaping from the spout of a boiling kettle is not at sonic boom speed, but the disintegrated particles are.
Latent heat is nuclear. Latent heat is due to resonance at \(v_{boom}\). Latent heat is not reversible.
Logic takes a second place when you guess. Courage takes first place.