A photon is self propelling. An electromagnetic pulse decays. As both direction of rotation are equally probable, emission of a photon or an EMP is equally likely. If a photon is emitted when \(A_f\) is upward, an EMP is released when \(A_f\) is downward as \(\psi\) moves beyond \(pi\) phase.
Which might explain the confusion of photons with \(EMW\)s. They are both emitted for \(n\ge 1\). When \(n=\cfrac{1}{2}\), that \(\psi\) oscillates between space and a time dimension, depending on the direction of \(\psi\), either a photon or an \(EMP\) is emitted with a state transition.
A photon emitting another photon, or an EMP!
If we can influence the direction of \(\psi\) then we can switch the material from a photon emitter to an \(EMP\) emitter and vice versa. Conversely, the presence of photons or \(EMP\)s is indicative of the direction of \(\psi\) when \(n=\cfrac{1}{2}\).
When \(n\ge1\), if \(\psi\) are aligned and uniform, it could be that photons are emitted on one side and \(EMP\)s on the opposite side.
And they all popped.