Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Diamond Is Silicon Not Carbon

Silicon has a density of 2.3290 g/cm3 and diamond has a density of 3.515 g/cm3.  Could it be that all four paired orbits in the outer proton layer of \(Si\) have been stripped and in their place \(T^{-}\) particles terminates the nucleus core.  Effectively an \(C\) isotope with an outer most \((T^{+}, T^{-})\) layer of four paired orbits (each \(p^{+}\) particle held by the weak field from a \(T^{+}\) particle being replaced with a \(T^{-}\)).  These paired orbits bond with four other similar isotopes at the corners of a tetrahedron and forms the diamond lattice.

A stripped \(Si\) lattice cell will be smaller and so when packed into a lattice, the resulting crystal has a higher density.

Diamond is Silicon not Carbon.

If this is true, diamond can be formed by bombarding \(Si\) crystal with \(T^{-}\) particles and at the same time removing the freed electric charges by applying an electric potential end to end.