Friday, January 6, 2023

Two Opposing Spin Aluminum Discs

Remember this model of an electron,

where \(t_g\) in oscillation results in a particle without mass.  But this field is manifested/ produced in rotation.

This is magnetism. An electron in circular motion, produce magnetic field lines that is actually gravitational field lines.  This way temperature acts independently.  Magnetism does not exist, it is just gravity fields; magnetic monopoles do not exist.

This would explain,

where the spinning discs close together presses the fields in between to emphases the fields top and bottom of the discs.

This arrangement brings control upwards and downwards.  Slow the spin of the top disc and the contraption lifts; slow down the spin of the bottom disc and the contraption lowers.

Open the disc in the direction of intended travel and the contraption move forward in that direction. 

Or, bring the disc closer in the direction of intended travel and the contraption move forward in that direction.

Quiet, gravitational drive!