Sunday, January 8, 2023

Deactivating Organophosphorus Compound

The length of phosphorus-oxygen double bonds is \(1.52\,\dot{A}\)  



\(\cfrac{f_{res}}{10^{15}}= 240.622\,\,Hz\)

This frequency will hopefully change the functional group to a tautomer P(OH)3 attached compound.  And render toxins like Sarin, Tabun and VX ineffective.

Other phosphorous bonds breakable,

Phosphorus-oxygen single bonds,


\(\cfrac{f_{res}}{10^{15}}= 220.329\,\,Hz\)

or with the involvement of d orbitals,


\(\cfrac{f_{res}}{10^{15}}= 225.769\,\,Hz\)

Dephosphorylation deactivates proteins and is very dangerous.