Thursday, August 17, 2017

Split, Stir And Charged

This is how the quasi-nucleus split into two \(Rn\) isotopes with the release of all \(n=12\) protons (a total of 24 in 12 paired orbits),

\(g^{+}\) causes vertical disturbance, both \(p^{+}\) and \(T^{-}\) in motion causes the surface to "stir" - horizontal displacements detected along both North-South and East-West axis.

The problem with admitting an \(T^{+}\) layer to the quasi-nucleus is that \(g^{-}\) is missing, but all seismic plots show equal disturbance above and below zero on the y-axis.

Maybe there's no \(T^{+}\) layer, but \(T^{-}\) are at the positive side of the weak fields generated by the \(g^{+}\) particles in orbit and \(g^{-}\) particles that neutralize the outer quantum shell is inside the \(g^{+}\) orbits.

A residue weak field remains outside the \(g^{+}\) orbit, that is strong enough only to hold a smaller \(T^{-}\) but not another \(T^{+}\) layer to the quasi-nucleus.

This arrangement of a negative particle in orbit inside the positive particle orbit generates in this case an electric field along the radius of the positive particle orbit.  As discussed in a previous post*, an electron in such an orbit produces a magnetic field that is conducive to electrical conduction.

This electric field might just be the reason why crystal feels coated in static charge.

Note:  Data crunch, reference to this will have to come later.