Thursday, August 31, 2017

Ohmic Heating And Ohmic Cooling

A moving electron generates a \(B\) field around its path the direction of which is given by the right hand screw rule with due consideration for the fact that electrons are negatively charged and so the field direction is reversed.  This \(B\) field is synonymous with the \(T\) field here, and captures a \(T^{+}\) particle in orbit around the path of the electron.  The \(T^{+}\) particle is at potential \(V_T\) at a orbit radius of \(r\) from the path of the electron.  These \(T^{+}\) particle causes the current carrying material to heat up.

Is it possible also for the electron to capture a \(T^{-}\) particle, moving in the opposite direction?  Not at the same orbital radius \(r\), because each orbital radius is also an equipotential path.  A single orbit at radius \(r\) cannot be at two different potentials.

Is it possible then that a \(T^{-}\) particle be captured at higher orbital radius?  If it is possible, the material will seem to cool when a current passes through it.  This occurs as the current is increased.  The material heats up when \(T^{+}\) particles are captured into orbit around the path of flow of the electrons, initially at low current, but cools upon the application of higher current.

Odd that will be, very odd.