Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Invisibility And Gravitronics


\(T^{-}\) particles spin and generate a \(g\) field.  This field interacts with a passing \(T^{-}\) particles or passing \(p^{+}\) particles both of which have a spinning \(t_g\) component.  When these particles are in motion they generate a \(g\) field around their line of travel; just as a current produces a \(B\) field.

So, photons that provide the sensation of colors are either, \(P_{p+}\) or \(P_{\small{T-}}\), both travels through the material in the presence of the \(g\) fields produced by \(T^{-}\) orbits, just like electron conduction through a conductor aided by the \(B\) field from the electron orbits.

Photons are not \(T^{-}\) particles.  \(P_{p+}\) are photons created by slowing \(p^{+}\) wave in the time dimension from light speed to zero, and simultaneously accelerating it in space to light speed.  \(P_{\small{T-}}\) is produced in a similar manner with \(T^{-}\) particles.  Conceptually...

And we see that a crystal with \(g^{-}\) orbits can conduct \(g^{-}\) particles in an analogous way to electron orbits conducting electricity.  And so it is possible to create a new form of "gravitronics" using crystal material.  A gravity capacitor will be two parallel plates of crystal material, one deprived of \(g^{-}\) and the other charged with \(g^{-}\).  A gravity potential field develops across the two plates.  A gravity inductor will be a coil of crystal material subjected to a gravity potential field.  A gravity resonator will be a turned circuit of a gravity capacitor with a gravity inductor.

How do I know \(T^{-}\) particles enable transparency?  Personally, an exposed vertebra at the back of my neck.

Good Night.