Tuesday, August 29, 2017

It Was A Funny Moment

This is a eletro-gravity wave AM transmitter,

where it is more likely that a modulating electric signal is coupled onto the "gravitronic" circuit via the electric field that links the crystal coils.  The \(g^{-}\) current source is a \(g^{-}\) particle charged crystal.

This is a electro-gravity wave AM receiver,

where the tuned tank circuit allows only the specific carrier frequency.  The low-pass filter demodulate the AM signal, and the electric field generated as the demodulated signal passes through the crystal coil is processed further electrically.  The \(g^{-}\) ground (signal ground) is a depleted crystal without any \(g^{-}\) particles.

Those from electrical and electronic engineering have just rolled over dead, from laughing.