Thursday, August 17, 2017

Magnetite, Earthquake Crystals

If S wave is a distinct type of seismic disturbance, than horizontal displacements in an earthquake is not mere earth filling up internal collapse as \(g^{-}\) particles pass through.

Transverse wave (S-Wave) suggests a particle with a oscillating gravity component, \(g\).  Such a rotating \(g\) component will result in displacements in all directions detectable along both North-South and East-West directions.

These two particles have an oscillating \(g\) component provided that the sign assignment from the post "When Positive Is Negative" dated 12 Jul 2015 is correct.  If a barrage of \(g^{+}\) particles

can cause the ground to heave then \(p^{+}\) and \(T^{-}\) in motion can produce oscillating \(g\) fields that "stir" Earth's surface.  Is side tremor a kind of "stir"?

\(T^{-}\) particles is consistent with the fact that crystals are transparent.  \(p^{+}\) particles would suggest that the elements of the molecules involved transmuted and moved left on the periodic tabled, with the lost of protons, \(p^{+}\).  What crystal would collapse into radon isotopes \(^{222}Rn\) or \(^{220}Rn\)(of atomic number 86)?  The collapse also resulted in the removal of \(p^{+}\) particles, so the summed atomic number of the crystal molecule is greater than 86.  If such transmutation of crystals does occur, it does so during an earthquake, not before the earthquake.  This opens up the possibility of transmuting elements of a molecule by first forming its crystal and then collapse the crystal with a flash of electrons.

Magnetite, (\(Fe_3O_4\)) has a summed molecular atomic number of \(3\times26+4\times8=110\), given that Radon has a atomic number of \(86\), so \(110-86=24\) which would give \(12\) paired orbits, ie \(Quantum Number, n=12\).  Provided that \(Fe_3O_4\) actually has 12 \(p^{+}\) paired orbits generating weak \(g\) fields in its crystalline structure.

Where do the \(T^{-}\) particles come from?  These particles could be attached to the weak fields of the orbiting \(g^{-}\) particles that complements the \(g^{+}\) particles which prevent a further \(T^{+}\) layer in the quasi-nucleus.  \(T^{-}\) particles, in general, makes the material transparent.

What is the Quantum Number, \(n\) if \(Fe_3O_4\) is to form into a quasi-nucleus?