Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Earthquakes And Gravity Particles

If earthquakes are caused by longitudinal waves of  \(g^{+}\) and \(g^{-}\) particles passing through Earth's crust, what is the source of such waves and where do their originate form, Earth's core or outer space?

Electrons will disrupt the weak fields holding the \(g^{+}\) particles in orbit in a crystal, so an electrical discharge of electrons in Earth's core where it is crystalline (supposedly) will release \(g^{+}\) particles.  When these particles makes it to the surface, the ground heaves and collapses as the particles pass.  When the \(g^{+}\) particles are trapped in crystalline layers on the surface, the raise in ground level is permanent.  And there is a mountain where none was.

Lightning underground?  Yes, telluric current.  What is the source of such an electrical buildup then?

If there is a major fault in a 22 kV cable near a crystalline underground feature, will that cause an earthquake?

Maybe; earthquake is just part of the big explosion as all the energy in the cable pours out.
