Thursday, August 31, 2017

Squeeze To Steer

I remember a post where the radius of a photon was calculated but was too big, around a few millimeters.  Then I was reminded of Newton's double prisms experiment where a second prism, inverted, was placed in the path of a ray through a first prism, not touching but a few millimeter apart.  The ray recombined in the second prism in spite of the spacing.  Tunneling was the conventional explanation.  It might suggests that photons have a wider radius.

Then there is the double slit experiment where light spreads beyond two parallel narrow slits.

What about this?

where the reflective index of the transparent material is varied?

In the case of a single slit, is it possible to steer the photons by varying the reflective index (as in a piezo-electric material) as they pass through the slit.

Good night.

A Prawn

Seafood aggravates an infection or a swelling, but does it do so by supercharging the immune system or killing the germs by themselves, or it is feeding the germs making them more aggressive?

Prawns then might just provide a immunity boast when needed, or provide an antibody to fight infections, or a culture agent to grow and keep germs alive for studies.

A prawn supplement, a prawn vaccine and a prawn culture medium...

Ohmic Heating And Ohmic Cooling

A moving electron generates a \(B\) field around its path the direction of which is given by the right hand screw rule with due consideration for the fact that electrons are negatively charged and so the field direction is reversed.  This \(B\) field is synonymous with the \(T\) field here, and captures a \(T^{+}\) particle in orbit around the path of the electron.  The \(T^{+}\) particle is at potential \(V_T\) at a orbit radius of \(r\) from the path of the electron.  These \(T^{+}\) particle causes the current carrying material to heat up.

Is it possible also for the electron to capture a \(T^{-}\) particle, moving in the opposite direction?  Not at the same orbital radius \(r\), because each orbital radius is also an equipotential path.  A single orbit at radius \(r\) cannot be at two different potentials.

Is it possible then that a \(T^{-}\) particle be captured at higher orbital radius?  If it is possible, the material will seem to cool when a current passes through it.  This occurs as the current is increased.  The material heats up when \(T^{+}\) particles are captured into orbit around the path of flow of the electrons, initially at low current, but cools upon the application of higher current.

Odd that will be, very odd.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

It Was A Funny Moment

This is a eletro-gravity wave AM transmitter,

where it is more likely that a modulating electric signal is coupled onto the "gravitronic" circuit via the electric field that links the crystal coils.  The \(g^{-}\) current source is a \(g^{-}\) particle charged crystal.

This is a electro-gravity wave AM receiver,

where the tuned tank circuit allows only the specific carrier frequency.  The low-pass filter demodulate the AM signal, and the electric field generated as the demodulated signal passes through the crystal coil is processed further electrically.  The \(g^{-}\) ground (signal ground) is a depleted crystal without any \(g^{-}\) particles.

Those from electrical and electronic engineering have just rolled over dead, from laughing.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Spike And Hammer

If you have a few degrees and is perverted and unable to control yourselves, you are likely to be a unknowing recipient of a few lobotomies.   The frontal lobe of your brain is infected.

Pull down you upper eye eyelid, look down, maybe you will see a discoloration on top of your eyeball, in the white region, running into the deep of your eye socket.  The discoloration is due to bruised fine blood vessels caused by a short metal spike driven into the space between your eyeball and the eye socket, to reach your brain.  The metal spike and a small hammer and a few minutes of you being unconscious  is all that is needed to perform the lobotomy.  The point is to disable you as a smart person.  A slight pain in the eye is all that you will feel.  But the procedure leaves behind a traumatized brain and an infection that will destroy your life.  Get cured.  A x-ray will show the scar on the eye socket behind the eye.  The initial swelling just after the procedure causes myopia that may last  a life time.  Kleptomania, sexual deviant, aggressive behaviors, social reclusive-ness, autism, suicidal tendency, self-mutilation are just some of the behavioral effects induced by lobotomy.  The point is to do harm.

Such a procedure has routinely been done on children to teach some uncooperative adults a lesson and as an act of revenge.  I know, from the worn out state of some of the tools recovered, and the blood stains,  I know.

Have a nice day!

Invisibility And Gravitronics


\(T^{-}\) particles spin and generate a \(g\) field.  This field interacts with a passing \(T^{-}\) particles or passing \(p^{+}\) particles both of which have a spinning \(t_g\) component.  When these particles are in motion they generate a \(g\) field around their line of travel; just as a current produces a \(B\) field.

So, photons that provide the sensation of colors are either, \(P_{p+}\) or \(P_{\small{T-}}\), both travels through the material in the presence of the \(g\) fields produced by \(T^{-}\) orbits, just like electron conduction through a conductor aided by the \(B\) field from the electron orbits.

Photons are not \(T^{-}\) particles.  \(P_{p+}\) are photons created by slowing \(p^{+}\) wave in the time dimension from light speed to zero, and simultaneously accelerating it in space to light speed.  \(P_{\small{T-}}\) is produced in a similar manner with \(T^{-}\) particles.  Conceptually...

And we see that a crystal with \(g^{-}\) orbits can conduct \(g^{-}\) particles in an analogous way to electron orbits conducting electricity.  And so it is possible to create a new form of "gravitronics" using crystal material.  A gravity capacitor will be two parallel plates of crystal material, one deprived of \(g^{-}\) and the other charged with \(g^{-}\).  A gravity potential field develops across the two plates.  A gravity inductor will be a coil of crystal material subjected to a gravity potential field.  A gravity resonator will be a turned circuit of a gravity capacitor with a gravity inductor.

How do I know \(T^{-}\) particles enable transparency?  Personally, an exposed vertebra at the back of my neck.

Good Night.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Drop Locker

One my way to lunch,

where the access unit at each layer except the lowest is,

A drone delivery drops in from the top to an empty locker, thereafter the locker is given an unique ID, a lock code and an access pin.  The buyer receives the locker ID through an app on her smartphone.  The buyer goes to the locker with her smartphone, locate the locker using its ID and keys in the lock code on display at the locker into the app.  The app and its backend verifies that the buyer has an outstanding collection at that locker and that the locker ID and lock code are the right pair.  The app sends the access pin received and the lock code to the backend server and opens the locker.  The use of a lock code ensures that the buyer is at the locker.  It is the access pin, hidden from the buyer, that opens the locker.  The lock code and access pin cryptographic pair changes with each use, but it is the backend server that verifies that the smartphone app has an outstanding collection at that locker ID that provides security.

Good night...

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Split, Stir And Charged

This is how the quasi-nucleus split into two \(Rn\) isotopes with the release of all \(n=12\) protons (a total of 24 in 12 paired orbits),

\(g^{+}\) causes vertical disturbance, both \(p^{+}\) and \(T^{-}\) in motion causes the surface to "stir" - horizontal displacements detected along both North-South and East-West axis.

The problem with admitting an \(T^{+}\) layer to the quasi-nucleus is that \(g^{-}\) is missing, but all seismic plots show equal disturbance above and below zero on the y-axis.

Maybe there's no \(T^{+}\) layer, but \(T^{-}\) are at the positive side of the weak fields generated by the \(g^{+}\) particles in orbit and \(g^{-}\) particles that neutralize the outer quantum shell is inside the \(g^{+}\) orbits.

A residue weak field remains outside the \(g^{+}\) orbit, that is strong enough only to hold a smaller \(T^{-}\) but not another \(T^{+}\) layer to the quasi-nucleus.

This arrangement of a negative particle in orbit inside the positive particle orbit generates in this case an electric field along the radius of the positive particle orbit.  As discussed in a previous post*, an electron in such an orbit produces a magnetic field that is conducive to electrical conduction.

This electric field might just be the reason why crystal feels coated in static charge.

Note:  Data crunch, reference to this will have to come later.

Magnetic Bonds And Stir

And a string of "maybe"s leads to,

Given its high symmetry, this is likely the quasi-nucleus that loses its orbiting electrons, acquire a layer of \(g^{+}\) particles that bonds by sharing \(g^{-}\) particles and forms into a crystal lattice.

Does it stop here?  The likely release of \(T^{-}\) particle when the crystal collapse suggests another \(T^{+}\) layer is attracted to the quasi-nucleus and that the crystal are held together by \(T^{-}\)--\(T^{+}\) bonds instead of \(g^{-}\)--\(g^{+}\) bonds proposed previously.  \(T^{-}\)--\(T^{+}\) will be seen as magnetic in nature.

Bonding with \(T^{-}\) particles complement the charge on the quasi-nucleus and prevents the next \(p^{+}\) layer.

Maybe, but Good Morning!

Lightning On Crystals

When lightning strikes fused quartz (\(SiO_2\)) is the isotope \(^{30}Si\) produced?  Do fulgurites contain \(Si\) isotope \(^{30}Si\)?

And with the transmutation, the releases of \(g^{+}\), \(g^{-}\), \(p^{+}\), and \(T^{-}\) particles.


Magnetite, Earthquake Crystals

If S wave is a distinct type of seismic disturbance, than horizontal displacements in an earthquake is not mere earth filling up internal collapse as \(g^{-}\) particles pass through.

Transverse wave (S-Wave) suggests a particle with a oscillating gravity component, \(g\).  Such a rotating \(g\) component will result in displacements in all directions detectable along both North-South and East-West directions.

These two particles have an oscillating \(g\) component provided that the sign assignment from the post "When Positive Is Negative" dated 12 Jul 2015 is correct.  If a barrage of \(g^{+}\) particles

can cause the ground to heave then \(p^{+}\) and \(T^{-}\) in motion can produce oscillating \(g\) fields that "stir" Earth's surface.  Is side tremor a kind of "stir"?

\(T^{-}\) particles is consistent with the fact that crystals are transparent.  \(p^{+}\) particles would suggest that the elements of the molecules involved transmuted and moved left on the periodic tabled, with the lost of protons, \(p^{+}\).  What crystal would collapse into radon isotopes \(^{222}Rn\) or \(^{220}Rn\)(of atomic number 86)?  The collapse also resulted in the removal of \(p^{+}\) particles, so the summed atomic number of the crystal molecule is greater than 86.  If such transmutation of crystals does occur, it does so during an earthquake, not before the earthquake.  This opens up the possibility of transmuting elements of a molecule by first forming its crystal and then collapse the crystal with a flash of electrons.

Magnetite, (\(Fe_3O_4\)) has a summed molecular atomic number of \(3\times26+4\times8=110\), given that Radon has a atomic number of \(86\), so \(110-86=24\) which would give \(12\) paired orbits, ie \(Quantum Number, n=12\).  Provided that \(Fe_3O_4\) actually has 12 \(p^{+}\) paired orbits generating weak \(g\) fields in its crystalline structure.

Where do the \(T^{-}\) particles come from?  These particles could be attached to the weak fields of the orbiting \(g^{-}\) particles that complements the \(g^{+}\) particles which prevent a further \(T^{+}\) layer in the quasi-nucleus.  \(T^{-}\) particles, in general, makes the material transparent.

What is the Quantum Number, \(n\) if \(Fe_3O_4\) is to form into a quasi-nucleus?

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

What Nature Crystalline Strata?

Electrons disrupt the weak field produced by an orbiting \(p^{+}\) that attracts a \(g^{+}\) particle.  When an electron is captured by the \(p^{+}\), the \(g^{+}\) particle orbiting at light speed breaks away and since gravity is negative downwards, the \(g^{+}\) particle floats upwards.

In an established potential field, particle relocate themselves to locations equal to their potential.  Positive \(g^{+}\) particles do not race to the center of Earth because of the negative gravitational potential there.

As \(g^{+}\) particles rise to the surface, they slow and bunch up into a positive potential front.  \(g^{-}\) particles that are also liberated are attracted to this front and follows the positive particles upwards.  Subsequent collapses in the crystalline strata generate further such fronts and we have a longitudinal wave of alternating gravity charged particle layers racing to the surface of Earth.  As this wave pass through the surface, \(g^{+}\) particles heave the ground upwards and \(g^{-}\) particles pulls the ground downwards at an acceleration greater than one \(g\).

It could happen that only the positive \(g^{+}\) particle fronts race to the surface when such positive front fails to attract \(g^{-}\) particles to follow it.  In this case, the up heave is of lesser strength and the ground returns at an acceleration of \(g\) when the train of \(g^{+}\) particles passes beyond the surface.  The \(g^{-}\) particles speed downward towards the Earth's core.  Given its initial orbiting speed at light speed, they will pass the locations of their gravitational potential and be shot back upwards as their kinetic energy reaches zero.  If they reach the surface, they maybe experienced as aftershock, that pulls that ground downwards and cause weakened structures to collapse.

Are aftershock only downward pull without an initial up heave?

Do some earthquakes have a greater downward pull than normal gravity, \(g\)?

With an up heave (\(g^{+}\) particles), such earthquakes will be identified as longitudinal, originating from underground; with only a downward pull (\(g^{-}\) particles only) regions off center from the quakes may experience a side-ward shift as earth refills the collapsed region.  Without an up heave, such quakes maybe identified as transverse along the radius through Earth's center.

This scenario also suggests that electrons pass through two molecular layers in the crystalline structure in the order of seconds, so much so that gravity particles are released as a low frequency wave just as we experience tremors on Earth's surface in low frequency of a few Hertz as earthquakes last.

It is expected that the gravity wave bunch up as it slows on the way to the surface.  The wave increases in frequency as it slows on the way to the surface.  Electrons that generates this wave is expected to travel even slower than the frequency of the tremor on Earth's surface would suggest.

Way to much speculations on a bunch of "maybe"s, I know.  But we inch forward in understanding the nature of the crystalline structure that cause earthquakes when underground lightning occurs.


Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) And Earthquakes

Lightning underground can be detect by the EMP generated by the flash of electricity.  Two EMP detectors, one above surface and one below surface (~5 km) can differentiate lightnings in the atmosphere from lightnings underground by the arrival time differential at the two stations.  Four such pairs of detector can locate the source of the underground electrical flash, including depth information (Multilateration).

The event of lightning underground together with locations of known earthquake zones may predict the likelihood of tremors.  Earthquake zones may coincide with regions of crystalline formation underground.

Now who would invest in so many "maybe"s?

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Earthquakes And Gravity Particles

If earthquakes are caused by longitudinal waves of  \(g^{+}\) and \(g^{-}\) particles passing through Earth's crust, what is the source of such waves and where do their originate form, Earth's core or outer space?

Electrons will disrupt the weak fields holding the \(g^{+}\) particles in orbit in a crystal, so an electrical discharge of electrons in Earth's core where it is crystalline (supposedly) will release \(g^{+}\) particles.  When these particles makes it to the surface, the ground heaves and collapses as the particles pass.  When the \(g^{+}\) particles are trapped in crystalline layers on the surface, the raise in ground level is permanent.  And there is a mountain where none was.

Lightning underground?  Yes, telluric current.  What is the source of such an electrical buildup then?

If there is a major fault in a 22 kV cable near a crystalline underground feature, will that cause an earthquake?

Maybe; earthquake is just part of the big explosion as all the energy in the cable pours out.


Gems, Gravity Particles Bonds And Earthquakes

My mind is failing but...

Remember the tuple (\(g^{+}\), \(T^{+}\), \(p^{+}\)) that was used as a nucleus cyclic set to build up a nucleus by stripping the associated atom of its negative charges and allow the weak fields from the orbiting positive charges to attract \(g^{+}\) particles, the first member of the next layer making up a nucleus?

Well, because gem stones are relatively stable in temperature, it is unlikely that the bonds holding their crystalline structure involve \(T^{-}\) particles.  If \(T^{-}\) particles forms bonds, such bonds will interact with \(T^{+}\) and \(T^{-}\) particles just as chemical bonds are formed and broken with a supply of positive and negative charges during electrolysis.

It is more likely that, for example Amethyst, the molecule \(SiO_2\) is stripped of its outer electrons and the bare paired proton orbits generate weak gravitational fields that attract a layer of  \(g^{+}\) particles.  The stripped \(SiO_2\) molecules with a valid Quantum Number forms a quasi-nucleus, over which \(g^{+}\) particles are in orbits balanced by \(g^{-}\) particles.  It is the bonding of \(g^{+}\) and \(g^{-}\) particles (the equivalent of covalent bonds when \(p^{+}\) shares \(e^{-}\) particles), that buildup the crystal.

Since, both \(g^{+}\) and \(g^{-}\) particles are involved, gem stones are rare unless environmental conditions provides for these types of particles.  Since, \(g^{+}\) pulls you up and \(g^{-}\) sets you down, earthquakes zones have an abundance of both these particles.  From the post dated 12 May 2016, "Seven Up!", where negative charges are removed from \(Cu\) to form a crystal lattice, in a similar way, an abundance of both \(g^{+}\) and \(g^{-}\) particles initially buildups a quasi-nucleus around a stripped \(SiO_2\) and then a depletion in \(g^{-}\) particles is needed to form crystals.

Which would lead us to earthquakes as longitudinal waves of \(g^{+}\) and \(g^{-}\) particles passing through earth's crust.

But wait, maybe a diagram to show how \(SiO_2\) forms a nucleus is in order.   It is just like \(CO_2\) with \(C\) replaced by \(Si\).  Why not then a \(CO_2\) gem?  It could be that \(C\) is too small to accommodate the two \(O\)s into its fold to form a quasi-nucleus.  \(Si\) being bigger, both \(O\)s can approach closer where the particles orbits overlaps and form a distorted spherical entity that acts like a nucleus over which a \(g^{+}\) layer forms.

The presence of the \(g^{+}\) layer will add mass to the crystal.  When a crystal disintegrate with the release of gravity particles and the addition of \(e^{-}\) particles, its mass should also change.  We may isolate gravity particles and find their masses from crushing crystals with a dash of electrons.

Good night.