Monday, April 12, 2021

The Loop, Waves And Particles

 The sequence 离艮坤 震 that starts the next cycle, shows 离艮坤 to be the primary cause of 震 the same motive force that triggered the Big Bang.  The process 离艮坤,

离,明也,万物皆相见 (form clear boundary)

艮,万物之所成 (condense)

坤也者 太虚      (nothing)

when compared with 乾兑坎,

乾,言阴阳相薄也 (interacting, ying yang, attractive repulsive)

兑,万物之所说也  (pool)

坎者,水也  (flow like water)

离艮坤 suggest ephemeral, fluid, plasmonic interactions like waves and in contrast 乾兑坎, solid, bodied, particle interactions.

If this is true, then the supercollider will never generate forces that mimic the big bang with kinetic energy, waves interactions will.  But it will be stupid to drive a gigawatt torus into resonance, and sent Earth into a different orbit.

Furthermore, 离艮坤 震 坤 坎 巽 坎 坤 震... shows that 离艮坤 resulting in 震 is followed by 离艮坤, and 坎 resulting in 巽 is followed by 坎.  离艮坤 and 乾兑坎 are not interchangeable but, can be the cause of each other.  震 is the opposite of 巽 one disorder and the other respectively, order!  巽, between two 坎s, suggests order is possible only in a particle world; 震, between two 离艮坤s is both the result and the cause of wave interactions.

Both 离艮坤 and 坎 can be broken down into 3 distinctive aspects each corresponding to a Gua (卦), observable, possibly quantifiable.  

Have a nice day.