Wednesday, April 7, 2021

易 But Not Easy II

 We are missing four hexagrams from YiJing because we hopped from the 10th dimension to the 12th dimension immediately.  One linear time dimension and the rotational dimension around it was not considered.  Back and fro linearly, clockwise and counter-clockwise rotational, is two multiplied by two, four obscured variations or changes hidden in this JiaZhi representation.  This can be captured with the paired hexagram, 蒙(meng), 复(fu), 姤(gou), 革(ge), but not as paired hexagram, but independently, as variants of the last but one time axis added outside of the time particle.

What is the significance of this last but one time axis in the time dimensional tuple of 3;  for that matter, any of the two time axes beyond the time particle? 

And, what of the rotational time dimension inside the time particle that is rightfully and seemingly available to us?