Monday, April 12, 2021

Big Bang And Gua

  What is the significance of this sequence, 27619438943761?  How is it related to BaGua (八卦)?The sequence to use is 

乾1 兑2 离3 震4 巽6 坎7 艮8 坤9, (伏羲八卦先天次序) or 

坤1 巽2 离3 兑4 艮6 坎7 震8 乾9, (八卦生成数) or 

乾1 坎2 艮3 震4 巽6 离7 坤8 兑9 (文王八卦后天次序) or as many others,

In binary,

坤1 3 兑4 艮6 8 乾9.  The last set alternate between odd and even, that corresponds to alternating TianGua (天卦) and DiGua (地卦).  This sequence will place all TianGua (odd) on the vertical plane and DiGua (even) on the horizontal plane.  We started the count at one not zero binary.

With the logic that parallel the Big Bang, (from YiJing 易经)

坤也者 太虚      (grand nothing)

震,万物出乎震  (bang)

坎者,水也  (flow like water)

兑,万物之所说也  (pool)

艮,万物之所成 (condense)

离,明也,万物皆相见 (form clear boundary)

巽,齐也者,言万物之絜齐也 (fall in order)

乾,言阴阳相薄也 (interacting, ying yang, attractive repulsive)

Obvously, arbitrary.

But the sequence 27619438943761 with the assignment 坤1 3 兑4 艮6 8 乾9, becomes,

震 坤 坎 巽 坎 坤...

never ending.  It starts with

震,万物出乎震  (bang) a motive force.

Then the sequence, 离艮坤

离,明也,万物皆相见 (form clear boundary)

艮,万物之所成 (condense)

坤也者 太虚      (nothing)

coming together and absorbed.  

In the sequence, 乾兑坎

乾,言阴阳相薄也 (interacting, ying yang, attractive repulsive)

兑,万物之所说也  (pool)

坎者,水也  (flow like water)

coming together but dispersed.


巽,齐也者,言万物之絜齐也 (fall in order)

The cycle reversed, when 乾兑坎 and 离艮坤 are grouped into individual processes!

At the end of the sequence we repeat at 震.  This is scary; the sequence lines up in binary and has meaning as a binary sequence; after assignment, it has meaning as an infinitely repeating sequence with two sub-processes.

 Good night.