Thursday, April 15, 2021

New Verses Old Gua Sequence

 This is the different between the arrangement of BaGua here and XianTianBaGua (伏羲先天八卦),

four Gua that are beside the ZhenGua are rotated 90o, 震\(\rightarrow\)艮\(\rightarrow\)巽\(\rightarrow\)兑\(\rightarrow\)震.

Which would give a new sequence,

震 离 艮 坤 乾 兑 坎 巽 乾 兑 坎 离 艮 坤... \(\rightarrow\)兑 离 震 坤 乾 巽 坎 艮 乾 巽 坎 离 震 坤...

兑,万物之所说也  (pool)

离,明也,万物皆相见 (form clear boundary)

震,万物出乎震  (bang)

坤也者 太虚      (grand nothing)

乾,言阴阳相薄也 (interacting, ying yang, attractive repulsive)

巽,齐也者,言万物之絜齐也 (fall in order)

坎者,水也  (flow like water)

艮,万物之所成 (condense)

which lacks the logic appeal of the first sequence, given the associated meaning of each Gua.  The sequence developed here being,

震,万物出乎震  (bang) a motive force.

Then the sequence, 离艮坤

离,明也,万物皆相见 (form clear boundary)

艮,万物之所成 (condense)

坤也者 太虚      (nothing)

coming together and absorbed.  

In the sequence, 乾兑坎

乾,言阴阳相薄也 (interacting, ying yang, attractive repulsive)

兑,万物之所说也  (pool)

坎者,水也  (flow like water)

coming together and then dispersed.


巽,齐也者,言万物之絜齐也 (fall in order)

Maybe the old XianTianBaGua has a different infinite loop.

If old system is mistaken, then it is only half accurate.  Old stories of how emperors wanted to ban this knowledge by doctoring books and burning the originals.