Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Rotating Time, Ten versus Twelve

 If all twelves dimensions lend themselves to manipulations, then there is no need for prediction, since time is fully under control, we simply choose the outcome we want.  In the world, within the time particle, only one time axis is available to us, as such up to the 10th dimension, after all three linear time dimensions and one rotational time dimension are admitted into this world system.  In this way, time has full 3D linear freedom.  One time rotational dimension within the time particle is available to us.  Only the remaining two rotational time dimensions are outside of our grasp.

What does it mean to rotate the time axis we are on?  We can reverse time on the other time axes by doing so, but what does this mean?  What do the other time axes mean?

How do we actually rotate the time axis available to us in the time particle?

Time having full linear 3D freedom means that given a certain fixed axial direction and position, time can be any place in the volume around the origin, in the next instance.  Reality can evolve into any of the holographic worlds surrounding the origin; all directions surrounding the origin is possible.

 Ice will melt in general, but a particular water molecule might find itself back into a ice lattice position in the next instance in time, in effect it refreezes.

The discrepancy in this world view is that, in the time particle there is only eight dimensions visible, three linear space, three rotational space, one linear time and one rotational time.  Outside of the time particle, four dimensions, two linear time and two rotational time on each time axes exist.  A division of eight versus twelve.

Why is it ten vs twelve?

Because \(t1\) and \(t2\) are tangential at the origin, both of which are counted inside the time particle at the origin, but neither can be rotated out of the tangential plane at the origin.  Beyond the origin, neither \(t1\) nor \(t2\) comes into play as the tangential plane touches the time particle only at the origin, \(O\).  \(t\) being perpendicular, into the time particle at the origin \(O\).

This way, it is strictly ten versus twelve counted, but eight versus twelve available.  But can the two time dimensions, one linear and about it another rotational dimension inside the time particle be manipulate?  No, and we are left with six space dimensions, maybe fully captured as a hexagram (易经 - 卦). The inherit variations within the time particle must include all available dimensions which is eight; maybe this is represented by the set of eight trigrams (八卦).  Upon this inherited variations the six space dimensions of the visible world are represented as a whole, two stacked trigrams (as if a set of three linear dimensions and a set of three rotational dimensions combined), a hexagram.

If this is exhaustive, how is anything assigned a hexagram?  At the beginning, its creation or birth date and, through the use of JiaZi (甲子), each in the set is associated with a hexagram, a Gua (卦).