Tuesday, April 6, 2021

易 But Not Easy

 Here we regard the assignment of JiaZi to anything within the time particle, both material and non material (conceptual, mental, spiritual) as its next realization at the next instance after an arbitrary time period.  In other words, JiaZi denotes the transition from the present state to the next and not of any state itself.  As such 易 meaning change.

From the way JiaZi is assigned to everything in existence within the time particle, space and time, all twelve dimensions, apply to all things material and non-material.  It is possible then to associate JiaZi to 'War', 'Prosperity', 'Rain', 'Meteorite impact', etc.  In ancient Chinese astrology, each in the set of JiaZi is associated with a hexagram (卦).  Both TianGan and Dizhi are considered cyclic and returns to the first element and starts anew.  In the case of DiZhi, 子(zi) and 午(wu) are opposite and are associated with 坤(kun) and 乾(qian), respectively.  This single point aligns the two series, JiaZhi and YiJing (易经) except for the fact that JiaZhi has sixty elements and YiJing has sixty-four hexagram (卦).  To accommodate more hexagram, 甲子,庚寅,甲午,庚申 in the set of JiaZhi take on two hexagrams each.  甲子 with 坤(kun) and 蒙(meng); 庚寅 with 离(li) and 复(fu); 甲午 with 乾(qian) and 姤(gou),庚申 with 坎(kan) and 革(ge).

Why?  So....?