Saturday, April 17, 2021

He Tu Xian Tian Gua 河图先天卦

 This is the assignment of Gua according to HeTu,

Position 2 on the diagram is behind 1.  Position 1 is between 2 and 6.  

Which is neither 乾 兑 离 震 巽 坎 艮 坤 (伏羲八卦次序) nor, 乾 坎 艮 震 巽 离 坤 兑 (文王八卦次序).

What gives?  This Gua makes sense as the sequence anticlockwise 1, 2, 3, 4, (5 center), clockwise 6, 7, 8, 9.  At the same time, all sums across the center 5, adds up to 15.

This should be the XianTian Gua.

If 离 7 and 坎 3 were to swap places, we have clockwise 乾 兑 离 震 crosses 5, anticlockwise 巽 坎 艮 坤 (伏羲八卦次序) .  Base on the logic here, 艮 6 and 兑 4 should also be similarly swapped.  In both cases we are not following HeTu anymore.