Friday, April 23, 2021

 第四八象 辛亥 離下幹上 同人


卯午之間 厥象維離

八牛牽動 雍雍熙熙


水火既濟人民吉 手持金戈不殺賊

五十年中一將臣 青青草自田間出


‘辰’为 日,月,星,太空;‘巳’为胎儿

厥象維離:火,明,分。 把‘離’分开,‘离’ 和 ‘隹’

八牛牽動:‘牽’ 字,去‘八’,去‘牛’,剩‘亠’和‘冂’;从‘离’字删除得‘凶’和‘厶’。


‘雍’ 字 去‘維’得‘亠’,可引‘丝乡’一词。‘厥象’ 是‘表’字


手持金戈不殺賊:金戈 为 ‘釴’ 是附耳在唇外的方鼎,‘手持釴’是提‘耳’;不杀贼,没打,剩‘是’ 和 ‘耳’。


五十年中一將臣:五十年中 为 ‘廿五’;‘中’;一將臣 为夫; ‘漢’字但没水。还剩‘五’。

青青草自田間出:‘草’字分开,‘十’,‘日’。‘田间’ 为‘王’,‘十’出田间为‘口’。‘日’出‘間’得‘門’,合为‘問’。田间为‘阡陌’。。。‘防’可能是个地方。

‘青草出田間’:是个卦象,‘离’ 但这就回头了。象取卦还是卦定象?

天旱但有水,还得一‘聖’。 大概是音波共振,分氢,分氧,合水。又,火象来自‘星际胎儿’间。难道,‘不殺賊’为‘止’+‘戈’;‘武漢’也有够衰,瘟疫后被‘歪星人’照火。危言耸听!莫信。


Thursday, April 22, 2021

邪阴猖 八卦乱

五二颠 正气乏

天运眩 地支错

丑亥兑 轾轩反

志消沉 不得眠 

八卦正 一闪烁

浊靡消 灵清然

地支顺 时运畅

疲得息 蕴太然


Wednesday, April 21, 2021


豕后牛前 千人一口

五二倒置 朋来无咎

朋对应‘兑’卦,要把‘豕’,‘牛’ 兑换和把八卦的第 ‘五’位 与 ‘二’位 兑换。那, 




‘亥子丑’ 变成 ‘丑子亥’。。。

今年应是‘辛亥’年不是‘辛丑’年。 2031 才是‘辛丑’年。






但对面的卦应是反卦, 所以四七也要兑换,


再以 ‘S’ 形排列,


一闪僻邪。  重摆乾坤。

Tuesday, April 20, 2021




豕后牛前 千人一口

五二倒置 朋来无咎

朋对应‘兑’卦,要把‘豕’,‘牛’ 兑换和把八卦的 ‘五’位 与‘二’位兑换。


Monday, April 19, 2021

八卦 and Two Fishes

 See the fishes.  The dots mark the fact that the smaller loops are travelled twice.  The inner fishes show the underlying sequence 震 离 艮 坤 乾 兑 坎 巽 乾 兑 坎 离 艮 坤...repeats.

 This diagram might be the last thing to fix the rip in time!






Sunday, April 18, 2021

Again BaGua

This is the XianTianBaGua flipped,

where the sequence 坤震坎兑 (5, center) 艮离巽乾, in binary order, forms a horizontal S line, clockwise then anti-clockwise.

This is the HouTianBaGua flipped,

where the position of 震 and 巽 has been swapped compared to XianTianBaGua arrangement.  Its order is 坤 巽 坎 兑 艮 离 震 乾.

To Drive Away Evil Spirit



What for?!

Saturday, April 17, 2021

3x3 Magic Square and BaGua

 This arrangement however, fits a 3x3 magic square,

where 震2 and 巽8 are returned to their original places.  This is the HouTianBaGua (后天八卦), established only after, 震 离 艮 坤 乾 兑 坎 巽 乾 兑 坎 离 艮 坤 repeats... has been established.

He Tu Xian Tian Gua 河图先天卦

 This is the assignment of Gua according to HeTu,

Position 2 on the diagram is behind 1.  Position 1 is between 2 and 6.  

Which is neither 乾 兑 离 震 巽 坎 艮 坤 (伏羲八卦次序) nor, 乾 坎 艮 震 巽 离 坤 兑 (文王八卦次序).

What gives?  This Gua makes sense as the sequence anticlockwise 1, 2, 3, 4, (5 center), clockwise 6, 7, 8, 9.  At the same time, all sums across the center 5, adds up to 15.

This should be the XianTian Gua.

If 离 7 and 坎 3 were to swap places, we have clockwise 乾 兑 离 震 crosses 5, anticlockwise 巽 坎 艮 坤 (伏羲八卦次序) .  Base on the logic here, 艮 6 and 兑 4 should also be similarly swapped.  In both cases we are not following HeTu anymore.

Friday, April 16, 2021


Other possible rotations of the ground plane are,

None of the rest correspond to 文王后天八卦.  What is the significance of rotating the ground plane containing 震巽兑艮 Gua?  天旋地转啦。

Thursday, April 15, 2021

New Verses Old Gua Sequence

 This is the different between the arrangement of BaGua here and XianTianBaGua (伏羲先天八卦),

four Gua that are beside the ZhenGua are rotated 90o, 震\(\rightarrow\)艮\(\rightarrow\)巽\(\rightarrow\)兑\(\rightarrow\)震.

Which would give a new sequence,

震 离 艮 坤 乾 兑 坎 巽 乾 兑 坎 离 艮 坤... \(\rightarrow\)兑 离 震 坤 乾 巽 坎 艮 乾 巽 坎 离 震 坤...

兑,万物之所说也  (pool)

离,明也,万物皆相见 (form clear boundary)

震,万物出乎震  (bang)

坤也者 太虚      (grand nothing)

乾,言阴阳相薄也 (interacting, ying yang, attractive repulsive)

巽,齐也者,言万物之絜齐也 (fall in order)

坎者,水也  (flow like water)

艮,万物之所成 (condense)

which lacks the logic appeal of the first sequence, given the associated meaning of each Gua.  The sequence developed here being,

震,万物出乎震  (bang) a motive force.

Then the sequence, 离艮坤

离,明也,万物皆相见 (form clear boundary)

艮,万物之所成 (condense)

坤也者 太虚      (nothing)

coming together and absorbed.  

In the sequence, 乾兑坎

乾,言阴阳相薄也 (interacting, ying yang, attractive repulsive)

兑,万物之所说也  (pool)

坎者,水也  (flow like water)

coming together and then dispersed.


巽,齐也者,言万物之絜齐也 (fall in order)

Maybe the old XianTianBaGua has a different infinite loop.

If old system is mistaken, then it is only half accurate.  Old stories of how emperors wanted to ban this knowledge by doctoring books and burning the originals.

Not Involved No Longer

 If  乾 震 离 艮 坤 巽 坎 兑, squared forms up the 64 hexagram, what role does 震 离 艮 坤 乾 兑 坎 巽 乾 兑 坎 离 艮 坤...repeats, play?

Maybe, given an array of 8 x8 hexagrams, the next hexagram is just a diagonal step, one left one down from the present hexagram.  The sequence, 震 离 艮 坤 乾 兑 坎 巽 乾 兑 坎 离 艮 坤...repeats, is not involved at this level.

Correct Four Seasons Wrong Traversal

 As always the best test of all this Gua, Hexagram and Nonagram is on the weather system...

乾  春,离  夏,坤  秋,坎  冬

and we line up the four ZhengGua (正卦) 乾 离 坤 坎 with 春 夏 秋 冬.  What happen to the sequence 震 离 艮 坤 乾 兑 坎 巽 乾 兑 坎 离 艮 坤...repeats?  Under this traversal, the four seasons will be mixed up.  

震 离 艮 坤 乾 兑 坎 巽 乾 兑 坎 离 艮 坤 is the underlying traversal that brought 乾 震 离 艮 坤 巽 坎 兑 sequence into being.  The underlying sequence also brought the weather seasons into being.  The weather should follow 乾 震 离 艮 坤 巽 坎 兑, because the Sun and Earth came about after the underlying sequence, 震 离 艮 坤 乾 兑, etc...

Maybe this is the 后天八卦 and 震 离 艮 坤 乾 兑 坎 巽 乾 兑 坎 离 艮 坤...repeats is represented by the Yin Yang symbol found at the center of the BaGua.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

ReThinking the Hexagram

More on HeTu,

every 180o turn of the ground plane (地), complete two independent cycles (bottom arrows swap places resulting in 7 to 6 and 8 to 9),

6 1 2 7 turn 6... and 9 4 3 8 turn 9...

If we use binary to assign Gua,

艮     震  离...  and 乾  兑  坎  巽...

The cycle,

艮     震  离  艮  坤   震  离 ...

is call DiDao (地道) containing DiGua (地卦) and

乾  兑  坎  巽  乾  兑  坎  巽...

is called TianDao (天道) containing TianGua (天卦).

From the diagram when we group Gua on the same plane, we have the pair 1-3, 2-4, 6-8, 7-9, or 坤-坎, 震-兑, 艮-巽, 离-乾.

Left side DiGua, right side TianGua and Gua on the same plane, alternate Gua around the periphery.  Around the periphery, 乾 兑 坎 巽 坤 艮 离 震.  This order has no particular meaning for the Gua progresses through the red loop, repeating as the ground rotates 180o.

 The Gua on LuoShu (洛书) is a dynamic changing Gua that cycle between heaven and earth and so is the Ren Gua (人卦).

We stack the three trigrams Tian Ren Di and form a new Nonagram that is interpreted as two up-down overlapping hexagrams.

 The problem with this arrangement is, sections of the original hexagram spread are not being used because the top and bottom Gua are both restricted to one in two distinct sets of four.  If it is possible to invert this nonagram, all possible hexagrams can be represented.

Or, we generate two new hexagrams using TianGua and DiGua as the top Gua and, RenGua as the bottom Gua.  Then all in the array of hexagrams are represented.

What is the logic in stacking up two trigrams into a hexagram in the first place?

Simplicity Is Beautiful

 Maybe, we should have just use,

震 离 艮 坤 乾 兑 坎 巽 乾 兑 坎 离 艮 坤 repeats...

as the new HouTian series, and form up a hexagram with this at the bottom and the series,

坤 震 坎 兑 艮 离 巽 乾

on top.  A array of 14 X 8 = 112 hexagrams.

But hexagrams are not formed this way.

A series of hexagram formed this way is not in binary order, and hopefully, is predictive as a sequence, as we move along the 14 members of the HouTian series.


On the next instance, there can be,

2(change/unchanged HouTian Gua) X 2(change/unchanged XianTian Gua)

4 possibilities.  This is reduced from 8, because the series HouTian series,

震 离 艮 坤 乾 兑 坎 巽 乾 兑 坎 离 艮 坤

 has effectively four distinct states, a SiXiang which has been reduced from 8 by dividing 2.

This gain is from HeTu and LuoShu that formed the HouTian infinite cyclic series and constrains all events to follow it.

The added complexity is an increase in the number of hexagram from 64 to 112.  And lg(112) - lg(64) = 0.80735 < lg(2)...

Back To BaGua On Square One

 Two possible HouTian sequences,


represent the uncertainty created when the repeating sequence,

震 离艮坤 乾兑坎 巽 乾兑坎 离艮坤

is reduced to four unique states,

forming the BaGua again from this four, requires the addition of one Yao, which can be Ying or Yang.  This ambiguity translates into two possible sequences.  Which leads to two possible 64 hexagram sequences.

If we allow for the fact that at the next instance, the TianGua might remain unchanged, we have

2(HouTian sequences) X 2(change/unchanged HouTian Gua) X 2(change/unchanged XianTian Gua)

equals eight possibilities (or eight possible hexagrams), which is the number of Gua, we started with.

It seems that we are back to representing all changes with BaGua.

Good night...

One Toss Of A Coin

 If we proceed to form the BaGua again from this new SiXiang series,

we have,

离 震 艮 坤 乾 兑 巽 

which is none of the established sequences, 后天 nor 先天.  The binary sequence,

is here the XianTian (先天) sequence.  The previous sequence is HouTian (后天) sequence.

If this is the case then, we have a totally different 64 hexagram sequence when we place 后天 below 先天 to form a hexagram.

This adds a new dimension, where one hexagram to the next is a 'timed' progression.  There will actually be a next instance in time in this series of hexagrams.  The Gua below due to the 后天 series may or may not progress to the next with every regular step in the 先天, top Gua.  There is only one uncertainty; does the bottom Gua change to the next Gua in the HouTian (后天) series?  A fifty-fifty percent chance, that can be captured by one Yao (爻).

One toss of a coin.  Head or tail?

Note: If Ying Yao is placed first as the trigram is formed from SiXiang, we have the series

震 离 坤 艮 兑 乾 坎 巽 instead.  

This is still not the two XianTian (先天) and HouTian (后天) sequences in common literature.

乾 兑 离 震 巽 坎 艮 坤 (伏羲八卦次序) nor,

乾 坎 艮 震 巽 离 坤 兑 (文王八卦次序).

And We Get Elephants

The sequence,

 震 离艮坤 乾兑坎 巽 乾兑坎 离艮坤

is actually four unique states,

reduced because, 2 degrees of freedom have been taken away; constrain by the infinite loop and the rotation on the earth plane every half cycle.

These four states match with SiXiang (四象), formed before BaGua (八卦).  It is still binary.


Note: For 震 and 巽 remove top Yao (爻), the last Yao added.  For 离艮坤 and 乾兑坎 take center and remove top Yao.  Arbitrarily.

ZhouYi Is Binary

This is ZhouYi lifted off the web,

‘Search 周易 for all 64 trigrams.’

it is BINARY!  The top Yao (爻) is the last digit and 阴爻 (--) is the digit ‘1’, and 阳爻 (—)is the digit ‘0’.

Around the circle, the series is arranged in anti-clock wise.

If we start from the bottom right corner then, 阴爻 (--) is the digit ‘0’, 阳爻 (—)is the digit ‘1’, the top Yao is the last digit where the '1' is added to.

This reversed series is arranged clockwise around the circle.


Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Loops And Turns Ad Infinitum

It is not just a simple progression around an infinite loop, 

all eight Gua rotates with the earth plane 180o each half loop traversed, dwells in the half loop once and creates the sequence,

震 离艮坤 乾兑坎 巽 乾兑坎 离艮坤 震 离艮坤 乾兑坎 巽 乾兑坎 离艮坤

震 is always between two 离艮坤 and 巽 is always between two 乾兑坎.

Monday, April 12, 2021

The Loop, Waves And Particles

 The sequence 离艮坤 震 that starts the next cycle, shows 离艮坤 to be the primary cause of 震 the same motive force that triggered the Big Bang.  The process 离艮坤,

离,明也,万物皆相见 (form clear boundary)

艮,万物之所成 (condense)

坤也者 太虚      (nothing)

when compared with 乾兑坎,

乾,言阴阳相薄也 (interacting, ying yang, attractive repulsive)

兑,万物之所说也  (pool)

坎者,水也  (flow like water)

离艮坤 suggest ephemeral, fluid, plasmonic interactions like waves and in contrast 乾兑坎, solid, bodied, particle interactions.

If this is true, then the supercollider will never generate forces that mimic the big bang with kinetic energy, waves interactions will.  But it will be stupid to drive a gigawatt torus into resonance, and sent Earth into a different orbit.

Furthermore, 离艮坤 震 坤 坎 巽 坎 坤 震... shows that 离艮坤 resulting in 震 is followed by 离艮坤, and 坎 resulting in 巽 is followed by 坎.  离艮坤 and 乾兑坎 are not interchangeable but, can be the cause of each other.  震 is the opposite of 巽 one disorder and the other respectively, order!  巽, between two 坎s, suggests order is possible only in a particle world; 震, between two 离艮坤s is both the result and the cause of wave interactions.

Both 离艮坤 and 坎 can be broken down into 3 distinctive aspects each corresponding to a Gua (卦), observable, possibly quantifiable.  

Have a nice day.

Big Bang And Gua

  What is the significance of this sequence, 27619438943761?  How is it related to BaGua (八卦)?The sequence to use is 

乾1 兑2 离3 震4 巽6 坎7 艮8 坤9, (伏羲八卦先天次序) or 

坤1 巽2 离3 兑4 艮6 坎7 震8 乾9, (八卦生成数) or 

乾1 坎2 艮3 震4 巽6 离7 坤8 兑9 (文王八卦后天次序) or as many others,

In binary,

坤1 3 兑4 艮6 8 乾9.  The last set alternate between odd and even, that corresponds to alternating TianGua (天卦) and DiGua (地卦).  This sequence will place all TianGua (odd) on the vertical plane and DiGua (even) on the horizontal plane.  We started the count at one not zero binary.

With the logic that parallel the Big Bang, (from YiJing 易经)

坤也者 太虚      (grand nothing)

震,万物出乎震  (bang)

坎者,水也  (flow like water)

兑,万物之所说也  (pool)

艮,万物之所成 (condense)

离,明也,万物皆相见 (form clear boundary)

巽,齐也者,言万物之絜齐也 (fall in order)

乾,言阴阳相薄也 (interacting, ying yang, attractive repulsive)

Obvously, arbitrary.

But the sequence 27619438943761 with the assignment 坤1 3 兑4 艮6 8 乾9, becomes,

震 坤 坎 巽 坎 坤...

never ending.  It starts with

震,万物出乎震  (bang) a motive force.

Then the sequence, 离艮坤

离,明也,万物皆相见 (form clear boundary)

艮,万物之所成 (condense)

坤也者 太虚      (nothing)

coming together and absorbed.  

In the sequence, 乾兑坎

乾,言阴阳相薄也 (interacting, ying yang, attractive repulsive)

兑,万物之所说也  (pool)

坎者,水也  (flow like water)

coming together but dispersed.


巽,齐也者,言万物之絜齐也 (fall in order)

The cycle reversed, when 乾兑坎 and 离艮坤 are grouped into individual processes!

At the end of the sequence we repeat at 震.  This is scary; the sequence lines up in binary and has meaning as a binary sequence; after assignment, it has meaning as an infinitely repeating sequence with two sub-processes.

 Good night.

Friday, April 9, 2021


须有田园无人种.   高仓大库变成丘.   珠门白玉今何在.  又被蓬蒿伴体骷.



高仓大库 = 厦

变成丘 = 一丘十亩大的小田

厦田 = vertical farm, 大厦耕

变成丘 = 一丘十亩大的小田


珠门白玉 = 珠宝

珠门白玉 = 斗宝

又被蓬蒿伴体骷 = ‘艹’+尸 = 芦

骷 = 没有皮肉、毛发

体骷 = 有体的骨头 = 尸


蓬蒿 = 谐音‘唐厚’

接前面的大火山; 今何在? 被火山灰埋了,是个火山口,崩塌了?  珠门白玉? '蓬蒿体骷'?  危言耸听!


The point here is to transit from 河图 to 洛书, 

rotating 天道 forward by 180o. The flow from 1 to 2 is now at 7 to 6 and a flow along 1,5,9 completes the transition between the two diagram.

On the 洛书 side, rotating 8 in the 地 plane 180o completes the flow back to 2 and generates the sequence, 2761(5)9438943(5)761 infinitum.  (5) here indicates that the flow crosses the intersection (origin). It is not part of the sequence.  So, 27619438943761 27619438943761 27619438943761... 周而复始。

To infinity!

Thursday, April 8, 2021


子丑之年江南客.   死者万万欠棺材.   红粉佳人那做磨.   珠玉金银化作尘



那做磨,那么事 = 是客家話,諧音‘答問’。

江南=Gunung 的諧音,Gunung Besar 是在印尼,蘇門達拉的一座火山。

万万 = 亿

欠棺材 = 曝屍的‘曝’

红粉佳人 = 粘上火山灰的人。火山灰蝕性很強,尤其碰到汗水,淚水,融蚀破皮留血,眼角出血,衄血,白灰變粉紅。

珠玉金银 = 珠寶,可能是地方名字。

红 = 丹

佳人 = 美

红粉佳人 = 番石榴‘露’

辛好,怡保離 Gunung Besar 很遠,不可能。危言聳聽!

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Father Ernetti's Chronovisor

 If it is possible to generate time energy photons inside a crystal, then that crystal becomes a time portal into the past at its location.

Given Earth`s orbit around the sun and its spin, at a particular point in space, one would see Earth come into collision, a good view on Earth's surface and then a view of inner Earth as that location move relative as Earth move, inside, into inner Earth.

Mining expedition without digging!  Spying along Earth's trajectory without physical intrusion.  A look inside of anything not being invasive.

A Chronovisor is not just for your viewing pleasure.

Don't Travel Naked.

 If it is possible to teleport using kinetic photons, it is best to do so encapsulated, and be carried by the vessel.

Dust, debris, fibers, mites, germs, etc might move into your bare body because of braking and accelerating kinetic differential.

Don't travel naked.

Rotating Time, Ten versus Twelve

 If all twelves dimensions lend themselves to manipulations, then there is no need for prediction, since time is fully under control, we simply choose the outcome we want.  In the world, within the time particle, only one time axis is available to us, as such up to the 10th dimension, after all three linear time dimensions and one rotational time dimension are admitted into this world system.  In this way, time has full 3D linear freedom.  One time rotational dimension within the time particle is available to us.  Only the remaining two rotational time dimensions are outside of our grasp.

What does it mean to rotate the time axis we are on?  We can reverse time on the other time axes by doing so, but what does this mean?  What do the other time axes mean?

How do we actually rotate the time axis available to us in the time particle?

Time having full linear 3D freedom means that given a certain fixed axial direction and position, time can be any place in the volume around the origin, in the next instance.  Reality can evolve into any of the holographic worlds surrounding the origin; all directions surrounding the origin is possible.

 Ice will melt in general, but a particular water molecule might find itself back into a ice lattice position in the next instance in time, in effect it refreezes.

The discrepancy in this world view is that, in the time particle there is only eight dimensions visible, three linear space, three rotational space, one linear time and one rotational time.  Outside of the time particle, four dimensions, two linear time and two rotational time on each time axes exist.  A division of eight versus twelve.

Why is it ten vs twelve?

Because \(t1\) and \(t2\) are tangential at the origin, both of which are counted inside the time particle at the origin, but neither can be rotated out of the tangential plane at the origin.  Beyond the origin, neither \(t1\) nor \(t2\) comes into play as the tangential plane touches the time particle only at the origin, \(O\).  \(t\) being perpendicular, into the time particle at the origin \(O\).

This way, it is strictly ten versus twelve counted, but eight versus twelve available.  But can the two time dimensions, one linear and about it another rotational dimension inside the time particle be manipulate?  No, and we are left with six space dimensions, maybe fully captured as a hexagram (易经 - 卦). The inherit variations within the time particle must include all available dimensions which is eight; maybe this is represented by the set of eight trigrams (八卦).  Upon this inherited variations the six space dimensions of the visible world are represented as a whole, two stacked trigrams (as if a set of three linear dimensions and a set of three rotational dimensions combined), a hexagram.

If this is exhaustive, how is anything assigned a hexagram?  At the beginning, its creation or birth date and, through the use of JiaZi (甲子), each in the set is associated with a hexagram, a Gua (卦). 

Crystal Ball Not LED

When imaging sound waves in a crystal, the sound wave train causes strains at defective points along its path. Electrons trapped near the defects change spin state, (and) these charges emit photons. 

So it is possible, with the used of crystals and sound waves to generate photon pulse.  If the process of strain and photon emissions is repeatable (given due relaxation time), then a sonic pulse of certain frequency will give rise to a photon pulse of the same frequencies.

Maybe a carrier frequency derived from the atomic distances in the crystal that keeps the lattice in a 'energized' state will help with such sonic photon emissions.  Superimposed on the carrier/base frequency will be the desired photon emission frequency.  

This way there can photon pulse train of a particular frequency without LEDs.

易 But Not Easy II

 We are missing four hexagrams from YiJing because we hopped from the 10th dimension to the 12th dimension immediately.  One linear time dimension and the rotational dimension around it was not considered.  Back and fro linearly, clockwise and counter-clockwise rotational, is two multiplied by two, four obscured variations or changes hidden in this JiaZhi representation.  This can be captured with the paired hexagram, 蒙(meng), 复(fu), 姤(gou), 革(ge), but not as paired hexagram, but independently, as variants of the last but one time axis added outside of the time particle.

What is the significance of this last but one time axis in the time dimensional tuple of 3;  for that matter, any of the two time axes beyond the time particle? 

And, what of the rotational time dimension inside the time particle that is rightfully and seemingly available to us?

Reverse Time And the 11th Dimension

 Given a 3D world (3 linear dimensions and 3 rotational dimension) and a single time dimension, to reverse time in this world, all that is needed is to rotate any one of the perpendicular time dimension outside of the time particle.  This gives the illusion that only eleven dimensions are all that are needed to fully describe this world.

Time and space is arbitrary and interchangeable; symmetric, it is possible to live in a 3D time world with a single space dimension.  So, time like space can have a full 3 orthogonal directions and 3 orthogonal rotational directions.  And to build this world of time and space, requires six plus six, a total of twelve dimensions, six linear and six rotational.

Assumingly, but simplest.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

易 But Not Easy

 Here we regard the assignment of JiaZi to anything within the time particle, both material and non material (conceptual, mental, spiritual) as its next realization at the next instance after an arbitrary time period.  In other words, JiaZi denotes the transition from the present state to the next and not of any state itself.  As such 易 meaning change.

From the way JiaZi is assigned to everything in existence within the time particle, space and time, all twelve dimensions, apply to all things material and non-material.  It is possible then to associate JiaZi to 'War', 'Prosperity', 'Rain', 'Meteorite impact', etc.  In ancient Chinese astrology, each in the set of JiaZi is associated with a hexagram (卦).  Both TianGan and Dizhi are considered cyclic and returns to the first element and starts anew.  In the case of DiZhi, 子(zi) and 午(wu) are opposite and are associated with 坤(kun) and 乾(qian), respectively.  This single point aligns the two series, JiaZhi and YiJing (易经) except for the fact that JiaZhi has sixty elements and YiJing has sixty-four hexagram (卦).  To accommodate more hexagram, 甲子,庚寅,甲午,庚申 in the set of JiaZhi take on two hexagrams each.  甲子 with 坤(kun) and 蒙(meng); 庚寅 with 离(li) and 复(fu); 甲午 with 乾(qian) and 姤(gou),庚申 with 坎(kan) and 革(ge).

Why?  So....?