Thursday, December 29, 2022

Even Expectation

 Every proven \(n\) in Collatz Conjecture leads a path to \(1\).  So. there can be a number \(n_{max}\), below which all numbers have been proven true for Collatz Conjecture. (This can be created computationally).  The next immediate number after \(n_{max}\), \(n_{p}\) must be a odd integer, because an even integer will immediately be divided into \(2\) and be send into the pack of proven numbers, as the conjecture dictate. 

This odd number \(n_{p}\) will be move to bigger value to \(3n_{p}+1\).  This number being even is divided by \(2\), 


this number can be odd or even.

Given that the probability of an even number by the operations in the Conjecture is \(P(even)=\cfrac{3}{4}\) and the probability of an odd number after any operation is \(P(odd)=\cfrac{1}{4}\).

The expected value for \(n_e\) is then

\(E(n_e)=\cfrac{3(3n_{p}+1)}{8}\)     when \(n_e\) is even

\(E(n_e)=\cfrac{3n_{p}+1}{8}\)     when \(n_e\) is odd

These are expected value of \((n_e)\) given large numbers where the probability provide good approximation.

The next value of \(n_e\) when it is even as we apply \(\cfrac{n}{2}\) is,

\(\cfrac{1}{2}\cfrac{3(3n_{p}+1}{8}=\cfrac{3(3n_{p}+1)}{16}=\cfrac{9n_p}{16}+\cfrac{3}{16}\lt n_p\)

for large value of \(n_{max}\), this number is below \(n_p\) and so a proven number.

The next value of \(n_e\) when it is odd, we apply \(3n+1\)


as this is always s even number, we divide by \(2\),

\(\cfrac{1}{2}\left(\cfrac{9n_p}{8}+\cfrac{11}{8}\right)=\cfrac{9n_p}{16}+\cfrac{11}{16}\lt n_p\).

which is also in the pack below \(n_p\)

As such with a large continuous number of Collatz number, of maximum \(n_{max}\), as starting point, \(n_{max}\) implies the next integer \(n_p\) is also a Collatz number, then by induction all integer \(n\ge 2\) are Collatz numbers.

Happy?  Be Happy New Year.