Tuesday, December 27, 2022

ChanHL Theorem Big Fuck

  Consider a circle of perimeter length \(4\),

we divide this circle into \(n\) sector.  We divide one of these sectors of angle \(\cfrac{2\pi}{n}\) further into \(M\) sectors such that,


\(M\ge 3\), both \(M\) and \(N\) are integer

This way,


That is we can walk \(N\) step of \((\cfrac{1}{M}*\cfrac{2\pi}{n})\) to \(\cfrac{\pi}{2}\) along the circumference for a total distance of \(1\).

On the sector with \(M\) markings, we divide it with two radial lines drawn through the markings into three sectors.  Obviously,


If \(a\) is on the first marking, \(N\) steps will take it  down \((\cfrac{\pi}{2})\) to \(1\), ie. the length of \(a\)


Then the next line divides the remaining \(M-1\) into \(b\) and \(c\), such that both \(b\) and \(c\) divides \(N\) (The proper choice of \(M\) and \(N\) will make this possible and easy).  We formulate,

\(b.B=N\) and \(b.C=N\)

then in \(B\) steps \(b\) will travel through \(\cfrac{\pi}{2}\) for a distance of \(1\) along the circumference.  Similarly, in \(C\) steps \(c\) will travel through \(\cfrac{\pi}{2}\) for a distance of \(1\) along the circumference.  That is to say,

\(\bar{b}=\cfrac{1}{B}\)   and 


Since, the size of this sector is \(\cfrac{4}{n}\), we have

\(\bar{a}+\bar{b}+\bar{c}=\cfrac{1}{N}+\cfrac{1}{B}+\cfrac{1}{C}=\cfrac{4}{n}\) for any \(n\ge 2\) and \(N\), \(B\), \(C\)

all integer.  Provided \(B\) and \(C\) can be found.

For the proper choice of \(M\) and \(N\);

When \(n\) is even we chose \(N=n\) then \(M=4\).

 \(a\) is found as above, one marking wide, and takes \(N\) step to reach \(1\) along the circumference


\(b\) is set to \(2\) markings wide such that \(b\) will take \(\cfrac{N}{2}\) steps to travel a distance of \(1\) so,


since \(N=n\) is even, \(\cfrac{N}{2}\) is an integer.

After taking step \(a\), one step,


After taking step \(b\), two steps,


then only one step \(c=1\) remains and so,


since \(a\), \(b\) and \(c\) make up the sector of length \(\cfrac{4}{n}\)


we have proven Erdős–Straus conjecture for even numbers.

When \(n\) is odd, it has at least one odd factor \(f_o\).  We let

\(n=f_of_1\)  where \(f_1\) is another odd factor and may be one.




since \((f_1+1)\) \((f_o-1)\) are even, \(N\) is an integer.

So, \(M=4\cfrac{N}{n}=\cfrac{2n(f_1+1)(f_o-1)}{n}=2(f_1+1)(f_o-1)\)

We let


the first step we take is \(f_1(f_o-1)\)


\(K=\cfrac{f_of_1(f_1+1)(f_o-1)}{2f_1(f_o-1)}\) since \((f_o-1)\) and \((f_1+1)\) are even, \(K\) is an integer.


\(b=f_o-1\)     \(\bar{b}=\cfrac{1}{J}\)

\(J=\cfrac{f_of_1(f_1+1)(f_o-1)}{2(f_o-1)}\) \(J\) is an integer. 

and the length of this step is \(\bar{b}=\cfrac{1}{J}\)

After step \(b\),





But we take half step instead to go further to \(\cfrac{\pi}{2}\) away, when the total length travelled by \(c\) is \(1\).


since \((f_o-1)\) and \((f_1+1)\) are even, \(c\) is an integer.



and \(L\) is an integer.

The total length of these steps \(a\), \(b\) and \(c\) is \(\cfrac{4}{n}\), we have,


where \(K\), \(J\) and \(L\) are integer.

and we have ChanHL Theorem for all odd \(n\), \(n\gt 2\), that corrects Erdős–Straus Conjecture.