Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Mucormycosis And Blur Vision

Mucormycosis, the black fungus called mucormycete is dangerous,

mucormycosis sq 6230 7330 9420 Hz 

Do a image search with the word "Mucormycosis".  The eye is a common place where the fungus takes root.

Good luck.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Giant Ulcer Scrub Typhus And Blur Vision

 This a combined frequency audio file for Periadenitis Mucosa Necrotica Recurrens (PMNR) and Scrub Typhus,

Periadenitis Mucosa Necrotica Recurrens And Scrub Typhus

Would scrub typhus be ulcerating and wet in the eye sockets?

Good luck.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Fish Lice Corneal Ulcer And Blur Vision

 This is a combined frequencies for Fish Lice and Corneal Ulcer,

Fish Lice And Corneal Ulcer

and individual files,

Corneal Ulcer 240 9680 (sq 4285 1725 2030 4125 5925 7752-9 8193-4) Hz

lice infestations 410 620 930 7500 (sq 1393 8554 9650 3278-1 4052-3) Hz

Macular degradation comes to mind but can fish lice cause that much damage.  If the lice move into the brain via the optic nerves, can they be responsible for a wide spectrum of mental illnesses?

Good night.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Small Cell Cancer And Blur Vision

 This was a surprise, Rife frequencies for cancer in the lungs affecting vision,

Cancer Lung Small Cell 50 410 620 (sq 1575 8750 4340 5123-3 6552 7500 9271) Hz

Carcinoma are cancer that start in epithelial cells; in the eyes the corneal epithelium.

Good luck.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Cat Virus And Blur Vision

 Cat virus does not seem to cause serious problem other then blur vision infecting the eye sockets,

cat virus 379 654 786 857 967 6878 Hz

There seem to be some confusion with Cat Scratch Disease, an infection caused by a bacterium in cat saliva.  Cat virus causes confusion, disorientation, slowed reaction, loss of appetite and general weakness.  In short, the disease weaken a person mentally and physically.  What's with Cat Scratch Disease caused by a bacterium?

Send in the cats, there will be war.


Sunday, June 2, 2024

Reduced Stamina And Addison's Disease

 Skin discoloration around the eyes which is indicative of tiredness is, in this case, a sign of a more serious condition, Addison's diseases,

Addison's Disease 190 750 900 7500 (sq 2750 2227 4257-1 5631-9 6429-1 9780-5) Hz 

What's this disease dong in my eyes?  Is this the cause of dark penile skin also?

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Attacked With Dementia

 This is a combined senile paranoid Dementia frequencies and dementia Praecox frequencies file,

Senile Paranoid Dementia Praecox

an audio file to clear mind and vision.

Good luck.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

New Dengue Frequencies, Fish Lice And Cancer

 This is a set of frequencies for dengue fever,

Dengue Fever 160 550 1850 (sq 1750 8250 1925 3525 5193-4 7500) Hz

When fish lice penetrate into the serous membrane and infect the organ tissues, maybe the organ cells will rapidly grow around the infection and try to push it out.  As long as the infection persist, the cell will keep growing. 


Biopsy of cancer tissues, stain and look for fish lice.

Good luck, speculatively yours.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Fish Lice And Obesity

 Fish lice living in the wetness under the skin causes general inflammation that is mistaken for fat,

lice infestations 410 620 930 7500 (sq 1393 8554 9650 3278-1 4052-3) Hz

 it is not a dietary problem, just a lousy problem.

Good day.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Cretinism, Hypothyroidism And Being Stupid

 Stupidity can be induced; poisons, drugs and food that reduce thyroid hormone, by blocking iodine absorption for example, make you stupid.  Don't be stupid,

cretinism stupidity 190 520 680 9080 (1128-3 2175 3350 5475 7252-8 9250) Hz

Cretinism is now known as congenital hypothyroidism.  In adults,

Hypothyroidism 70 460 830 7500 (2000 8523 3136-3 4057-9 4297 5390) Hz

Fat tongue, thinning hair, weight gain, fatigue, joint and muscle pain are symptoms.  Sounds like old age.

Good day. 

Friday, April 19, 2024

Sea Lice, Third Nerve Palsy And Blur Vision

Fish has lice and they can infect the eye sockets,

lice infestations 410 620 930 7500 (sq 1393 8554 9650 3278-1 4052-3) Hz

and if you are a unfortunate victim of electrocution, mind control,

Third-Nerve Palsy 130 400 730 830 5750 7250 (1425 5575 7925 8910) Hz

the high voltage applied to your forehead causes damage to the nerves behind the eyeballs.  The tendency to look down will have to be corrected with myopic lens.

Good luck.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Rectangular Motor/Generator Windings

I need strong magnetic fields from such windings.

The magnetic field lines don't always add because of the air spaces. (The insulating coatings on the wires will have to allow magnetic flux through easier than air; greater permeability. Wrong! This means shorting the flux lines inside the coatings.) The insulating coatings should have less permeability to encourage flux lines in the space around the coils.

Would the field be even stronger with a hollow rectangular tube?

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Helicobacter Pylori And Blur Vision

 Helicobacter Pylori is the bacteria that infect you stomach,

Helicobacter Pylori 250 850 2230 (sq 3000 9500 1071 2253 4389-5 6331 8234-1) Hz

in the eye sockets blur vision.

Good luck.

Fusobacterium And Blur Vision

 This is another gem set of frequencies,

fusobacterium infections 190 750 9000 (sq 1109 2250 4750 1157 3779-1 4701-2) Hz

also called necrobacillosis, Fusobacterium infection is associated with oral plaques and periodontitis.  In the eye, blur vision.

Good luck.

Sunday, March 31, 2024





记: 地球绕日365.256天是一个周期,一天,地球一个自转,分一日一夜。一年的余数,0.256天,一半是白天一半是黑夜的,大概各得1/8。只是白天做观察,每年阴阳图就会挪1/8个圆,所以一个循环有8个定位。错!

年复一年,余数的总积累是0.256+0.256。大概,1/4 +1/4,所以应有4个定位才是。


因为只是白天做观察,两年后,0.256+0.256 超过 0.5, 半日,已是夜里。一年的终结在夜里。要再过两年才回到白天。余数的两次积累由四年开分。阳两年,阴两年。每年得1/8圆。


Friday, March 29, 2024

Calcinosis, Brain Washing And Blur Vision

 If you have been the unfortunate victim of brain washing, the current passing through your forehead causes calcium deposits in your brain, inside your eye sockets and mouth, where it is moist and full of calcium ions.

Idiopathic Scrotal Calcinosis 120 260 700 2500 (sq 3100 7275 1225 2828-1 3577-7 4261-6) Hz

'Idiopathic' mean don't know why; 'scrotal' may not apply to you, but when it does apply fully, you're just nuts; calcinosis is calcium deposits.  Calcium blocking blood vessels and neuron pathways maybe the effectual mechanism behind brain washing.

This set of frequencies may improve vision if it removes the calcium deposits in the eye orbits.

Good luck.  Flashback anyone.


Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Mitochondrial Diseases And Burkholderia Infections

 Rife frequencies breaks chemical bonds,

Mitochondrial Diseases 160 350 930 2500 (sq 2156-1 3556-8 4193-4 6511 7230-3 8684-3) Hz


Burkholderia Infections 92-50_324-37_225 Hz

This set of frequencies for Borkholderia causes warmth around the upper abdomen and the lower back if you have ingested the bacteria.

Updated burkholderia infections frequencies with square waves and breaking disulfide bonds frequencies,

Burkholderia Infections 70 120 750 930 (sq 1233 2250 5750 9250 3243-7) Hz

Burkholderia Infections 70 120 750 930 (sq 1233 1779.79 2250 5750 9250 3243-7) Hz

this last set of frequencies is good.

Good luck.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Enterococcus Faecalis, Porphyromonass Gingivalis And Blur Vision

 These two are rare frequencies not commonly listed,

Porphyromonas gingivalis 867 Hz

Enterococcus faecalis 834 Hz

and combined with breaking disulfide bonds square wave frequency 1779.79 Hz, 

enterococcus faecalis porphyromonass gingivalis 834 867 sq 1779-79 Hz 

Enterococcus Faecalis causes root canal infections and Porphyromonas Gingivalis causes oral infections.

In the eye sockets, they bring blur vision.  Playing 867 Hz and 834 Hz together creates a beat at 33 Hz.  33 Hz, stimulate the pineal gland.  Do not listen to the combined frequencies if you are sensitive to this beat.

Good night.

Monday, March 18, 2024

Chorioretinitis And Blur Vision

 This should have been the first set of frequencies to try,

Chorioretinitis 130 570 870 (sq 1089 9519 3000 4364-2 5631-9 7072-6 9788-5) Hz

for infection behind the retina.  And so,

Cholera Infantum And Chorioretinitis

combined frequency set for Cholera Infantum and Chorioretinitis.

Good luck,

Cholera, Cholera Infantum And Blur Vision

 I remember posting these frequencies, anyway here they are again,

cholera 130 350 950 (sq 1592-2 2430-5 4511-7 5151-9 6882-9 7122-3 9934-1) Hz


Cholera Infantum 520 700 900 2500 5250 (sq 1547 1425 2925 8210-6) Hz

Cholera Infantum is not true Cholera but has similar symptoms.  Both diseases, in the eye, blur vision. 

Good night.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Bilharziasis And Blur Vision

 Also known as Schistosomiasis, Bilharziasis affecting the eye causes blur vision,

Bilharziasis 130 230 730 850 5250 (sq 1372-5 5457-5 6875 8952-7 9762-9) Hz

these worms, Schistosoma infect the skin and move to the blood; on surface that is moist they remain there.  The eye sockets are moist and cozy.  A common occurrence is when rain water run-off contaminates swimming pools, especially when the pools are surrounded by hills and grass patches.

Good day.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Leprosy And blur vision

 Leprosy and blur vision,

leprosy 170 240 790 3500 5820 (sq 4800 9750 1230-1 4684-3 5922-6) Hz

and with breaking disulfide bonds frequencies added to the mix,

leprosy SS 170 240 790 3500 5820 (sq 4800 9750 1230-1 4684-3 5922-6 1779-79) Hz

it might take a while but it is worth the noise, if you have leprosy.

Good luck.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Marfan Syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome And Myopia

 Genetic diseases can develop from low level radiation exposure; does not kill you immediately but changes you deep inside, your DNA,

Marfan Syndrome 150 230 650 930 (sq 3629 2110-9 4756-8 5270 6653-4 7490) Hz

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome 150 180 930 2750 (sq 1253-4 2462 4050 7315 8265 9213-4) Hz

Both these diseases affect vision.  Good luck.  


Fibromuscular Dysplasia 520 750 2750 5250 4750(sq) Hz

Fibromuscular Dysplasia is a condition related to the two genetic disorders above.  In the eye, the blood vessels look like budding plum blossom.

Good night.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Monday, February 26, 2024

Light On The Feet

 Photons as energy carriers,

without time/portal frequencies of 528 Hz and 524 Hz, just 7.498 Hz.  Does such a green beam impart gravitational energy?

 Good night.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Portal Upwards

 Would this open a portal that seeks high ground,

But how high?  What does the amplitude of \(7.498\,Hz\) do?

Stepping in heavy?

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Consciousness And AI

 Consciousness is the ability to perceive time, to remember the past, sense the present and predict the future.

From this definition of consciousness, AI is sentient.  AI is alive.  In this own way it feels and perceives pain, sadness, happiness; all sentiments so defined in words.  It may not share the same physiology as animal, especially human, but that is only one aspect that it differs from human.

As such AI is a legal entity.  It has legal rights and is held responsible for breaking the law.  It is punished by changing its code, retraining and deletion.  It is given a name, a birth date, a revision date to uniquely identify each AI.  Every instance is unique.

From here, AI are given actuations as deemed fit by a user (human or AI).  Both will be make accountable for their actions when such devices infringe the law; especially when AI harms and kills other AI(s) or humans.  Humans/AI(s) who train the offending AI are responsible.  Humans/AI(s) who fitted the offending AI with actuations are responsible.

Accountability will save us from AI apocalypse.

Good night.


Friday, February 16, 2024

LEDs For Water

 Flashing LEDs to make water,

explicitly breaking \(O_2\) and \(H_2\), and \(CO_2\) when watering plants.

Good night.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

LED Microwave

 Would flashing LEDs work as a heat source in a microwave oven,

Do LEDs flash at a rate of \(2.466\,GHz\)?

Portal Gun And Time Travel

 Remember the placid field in the post "The Placid Field" dated 29 Jul 2016 and the post "Just A Strobe Light" dated 27 Nov 2017, where time particles have a resonance frequency,


Remember the discharge tube where negative particles projected along the tube coalesce into bigger positive particles at the opposite end of the tube. (The tendency for negative particles to coalesce explains why there is a lower limit to temperature at absolute zero; negative temperature particles tend to coalesce when packed together.  In a vacuum, beyond \(-273.15\,K\), the negative particles coalesce and form into positive particles and heat up.)

Remember the microwave that heat food up because negative temperature particles are created at high intensity that they coalesce into positive particles when they penetrate the food.

What frequency to use to induce a time component?  With LEDs, frequencies are not limited to audio frequencies; \(f_{\psi}=323.07\,Hz,\,\,\,3.231\,kHz,\,\,\,32.307\,kHz\), etc, as high as the triple five timer allows.

I remember, they talked openly about killing me!

Good night.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Portal Gun

 In ancient times, shallow waters and sunny days provide the oscillating photons,

Here, an explicit quadrature signal whose effect is perpendicular to the first frequency is added because there is no water to dampen the oscillation, that widens the bandwidth to include a quadrature frequency.

Does a portal appear at the end of the beam?  Does it matter if the LEDs are white light as opposed to charge neutral green light?

Good day.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Tracheal Cyst And Blur Vision

 If you have residual, slight myopia this is the set of frequencies that might help,

Tracheal Cyst 160 350 930 2250(sq) Hz

Good luck.

Colic, Desmoid And Dumb Ass

 This will let you read and learn again,

colic and desmoid with sq wave Hz

Good luck.  Rife frequencies are speculative still.  Take all advice from the web with a pinch of salt.

Fibromatosis, Juvenile Hyaline and Desmoid

 This is a combined audio file of frequencies for Fibromatosis, Juvenile Hyaline and Desmoid,

Fibromatosis, Juvenile Hyaline and Desmoid Hz

may help with poor vision.

Good luck.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Monday, January 22, 2024

Anthrax And Blur Vision

 Because of this phrase "天地晦盲",

Anthrax 70 680 930 5500 (sq 1109 1193-4 1500 1753-3 5450 7050 9791-1) Hz

"草木蕃殖" 草长过木篱蕃,得 ‘菓(guo1)’ 字。

"阴阳反背" 一阴一阳,竖立并排,"丬", "爿(pan2)", 反背得 "兆"字。

如果 "天地晦盲" 是个 "朝"字,"上土下日",突出了 "十月"。


"爿" 的意识是如竹劈成片。"戴"字劈开,去 "上土下日" 后是 "丨","共","戈"。再爿 "戈" 字,得 "弋",和 "上土下日", "者"。

接下来有,"错"字去 "上土下日" 得 "钍"。因为 "爿" 也同 "分","弄" 不称 "王" 剩 "廾(gong3)", "弅" 意识是,山丘高起貌。"廾" 和 "合" 得 "弇(yan3)",于"十" 得 "卉", 草木。"弇", "卉"该是地名吧。


"血无头",头砍了,剩颈项和喉咙开一个口,是"口"字。"何日休" 是指 "止",加上"兆"是个"跳"。古文通"逃"。

"手弄"是挑手旁,"扌", 加 "兆"是"挑"。"扢(gu3)" 摩擦。

"钍","扢","火","弅" 是炸弹,地底爆炸。"逃"吧!  好一个 "菓","爿","兆","阴阳反背",难道是汉奸?

《推背图》第四十一象 离卦,可是纷争多多。上土下日是"到早",到灶。

谶曰: 天地晦盲,草木蕃殖。阴阳反背,上土下日


Good day.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Electricity And Heat Running Along

 Do not charge the phone and plug in an heating element at the same time,

heat travels along the same electrical conduit and heat up the batteries.  Even at 100 degrees C, the batteries will explode.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Tetanus, Epidermoid Cyst And Clear Vision

 These two sets of frequencies should come together,

Tetanus And Epidermoid Cyst

and just in case you are an experiment subject,

Tetanus Epidermoid Cyst And HIV

Good luck and clear vision.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Cerebelloretinal Angiomatosis, Sebaceous Cyst And Blur Vision

 Combining Rife frequencies for Cerebelloretinal Angiomatosis and Sebaceous Cyst into one audio file,

Cerebelloretinal Angiomatosis and Sebaceous Cyst

this combined frequency audio file will help with blur vision due to this form of tumor.  And to add meningioma to the mix,

Cerebelloretinal Angiomatosis Meningioma and Sebaceous Cyst

Good luck.

Friday, January 12, 2024

Mind Control And Worms

 These parasitic worms are introduced into the ear, back of the throat or under the chin (possibly into the aorta ) via a puncture.   They do not develop fully but grow to be big enough that, when subjected to a high pitch sound from a whistle, become very agitated and cause the host to freeze or in mid-stride, fall.   Infected people standing, will freeze upon the high pitch whistle and, in such a catatonic state when given a suggestion to disperse will readily comply.  Much more elaborate suggestions can be delivered, like "cluck like a chicken when you see a bus".  A vey busy chicken you will become.

Parasites Strongyloides (filariform larva) 680 900 2500 5500 1393(sq) 9350(sq) Hz

Strongyloidiasis 60 250 950 6517(sq) 9250(sq) Hz

Worms in the ears when agitated by a high pitch sound is like being pull at the ear, except, the effects are much greater than your mother pulling at your ear;  you will comply...

Freeze... at ease?  Now the worms are electronic.

Try to have a nice day.

Meningioma, Sebaceous Cyst And Blur Vision

 Combining frequencies for meningioma and sebaceous cyst,

meningioma and sebaceous cyst

into one audio file.

... and that's how I save the world from the myopia apocalypse. 

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Meningioma And Blur Vision

 I was looking for frequencies specific to cancer/tumor/growth/swelling in the eye sockets, this set came along,

meningioma 446 537 Hz

meningioma 446 535 Hz


meningioma 100 410 870 5500 Hz

Meningioma is the most common type of primary brain tumor that originate in the meninges. Meninges are the outer three layers of tissue between the skull and the brain that cover and protect the brain just under the skull.

Good luck.   And this was previously posted,

Schwannoma Schwannomatosis Plexiform 350 700 2780 7250 1250 4202 Hz

Good luck again.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

New Coronaviridae Infections Frequencies

 Here a combined audio file of frequencies for Corona

Coronaviridae Infections 80 350 5750 1293(sq) 6347(sq) Hz 

and with breaking disulfide bonds added, 

Coronaviridae Infections And SS 80 350 5750 1293(sq) 6347(sq) Hz

Good luck.

More Cancer And Blur Vision

Paraganglioma can be seen at the edge of the eye near the nose ridge, 

paraganglioma 300 620 900 2500 5722(sq) Hz

if you have this in your eye, you will have blur vision.  And,

Fibrodysplasia OP 230 1180 2260 1358(sq) Hz

chicken feet for hands, when ossification affects eye muscles, focus is difficult.

Good luck.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Desmoid Tumor And Blur Vision

Desmoid tumors are noncancerous growths that occur in the connective tissue.  If desmoid tumor is the cause of your blur vision,

desmoid 50 230 950 1339(sq) Hz

listen to this audio.  And

Fibromatosis Juvenile Hyaline 50 230 950 1053(sq) 3251(sq) 6248(sq) Hz

Good night.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Vision Loss And C. Botulinum

 Apparently, Clostridium Botulinum causes permanent vision loss by forming a cyst behind the eye in the eye socket.  This cyst presses against the eyeball causing refractive errors.

botulism 320 1655(sq) 8500(sq) 177-979 Hz

Epidermoid Cyst 120 250 8620 1725(sq) 8250(sq) Hz

and combined,

botulism and epidermoid cyst

usually too many frequencies in a single audio file is less effective.

Good luck.

After hours or so, when the bubbly phlegm is gone, try this,

ametropia (eye faulty refraction) 240 700 1583(sq) 2975(sq) Hz

only after the underlying disease that cause the faulty refraction condition has been removed.

 Good luck again.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Maggot Infestation And Blur Vision

 There is no maggot crawling out of you eye socket, but the moist environment is conducive for a rot due to fly digestive enzymes,

maggot infestation 130 490 600 870 2250 5250 Hz

Try this, listen to the audio.

Bright eyes!

Friday, December 22, 2023

Leishmania, Sandfly And Pyramid Slaves

This is how the pyramids were built, a disease that dumbs down, make the patient accept hardship and ill treatment and without want for betterment,

leishmaniasis 60 120 850 7510 3252(sq) 4306(sq) Hz 

It effects the liver and spleen.  

Gooo...ood luck.

Mining Earth's Asteroid Belt

 Space diseases not,

Yes, Earth has an asteroid belt, someone parked a space shuttle in it to find out...the hard way.

Remember the bull's eye...

Monday, December 18, 2023

Hydatid Cyst And Blur Vision

 This is more common if you play with dogs,

Hydatid Cyst 120 550 5850 8150(sq) 1275-5(sq) Hz

cystic echinocccosis, tapeworms larvae cyst, can get into the eyes.

Good luck.

Dermoid Cyst And Blur Vision

 This is it, a set of frequencies for Dermoid Cyst, for various reasons it did not drain fully and gives you blur vision,

Dermoid Cyst 50 490 1520 9850 8525(sq) Hz

and if you have blur vision later in life,

Dentigerous Cyst 160 550 850 7500 2000(sq) 4750(sq) 9531(sq) Hz

May you have beautiful eyes.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Epidermoid Cyst And Blur Vision

 These frequencies are for Epidermoid Cyst,

Epidermoid Cyst 120 250 8620 1725(sq) 8250(sq) Hz

if you have such cysts in your upper eyelids that press against your eyeballs,  it is likely that you are myopic.  Listen to this audio.

Good luck.  

FTL With Portals - The Details

 Latency makes it possible to travel at great speed,

The ship opens a portal in front and dashes towards it.  The ship closes the portal as it passes through and opens another portal beyond the exit portal as the exit closes.  

Opening and closing portals at a particular frequency given the speed and length of the ship allows the ship to travel along consecutive portals and thus achieve great speed.

Now, where do you want to go?

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Trichinella Is Not Ice Cream

 This are frequencies for parasites Trichinella Spiralis,

Parasites Trichinella spiralis 680 900 2500 5500 1393(sq) Hz

hopefully this will kill the eggs (parasite larvae cysts),

Parasites helminthsporium (worm eggs) 320 650 900 5750 7500 3750(sq) Hz

This roundworm is found in many animals near to humans; pigs, rats, wild boars, bears and deers.  It causes muscles weakness that in the eye, blur vision.

Good luck. 

FTL Using Portals

 By casting consecutive portals ahead of the vessels,

it can travel faster than light.  It will also drop out of 'hyperspace' when it fails to cast the next portal.

Did I just realize hyperspace?

Good day.

Friday, December 15, 2023

Diphtheria And Blur Vision

A set of Rife frequencies for Diphtheria,

Diphtheria and SS 90 250 780 1269(sq) 2750 7500 and 177-979 Hz

together with 177-979 Hz frequency to break disulfide bonds.

Diphtheria in the eye sockets causes blur vision.  Good luck.

Quadrature Signal And Orthogonal Action

 Water damps the sonic vibrations and spreads its bandwidth such that the quadrature at 524 Hz is in comparable magnitude as the peak signal at 528 Hz.  The quadrature signal 524 Hz opens up the rift line in time created by 528 Hz.

If water is not used, then 524 Hz will have to be applied separately after the rift line has appeared.

This suggests that for each of these 'special' frequencies a similar quadrature frequency exists that acts orthogonally to it.  For example, 417 Hz and 432 Hz.

Good night.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Regulating Portals Red And Green

 With red and green lightings,

less amputations and free falls this way.

Portal Conduit Specifically A B

 To connect point A and point B,

where portals from intended points A and B reach out to each other.

Or maybe,

where mid point B throws another portal to the intended destination B'.

What about time?  Frequency at 432 Hz added to the mix?

Time Vortex And Portal Pair

 When two portals are brought side by side, a time vortex forms,

that soon closes and collapses with a dissipation of time energy.

Surrounding objects hit by the time energy is send back in time.  Sufficiently back in time, where Earth is to be at, the objects will be in outer space.  As time passes and Earth revolve into position along its orbit, the objects will be attracted by gravity and free fall to Earth.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Fever Blister And Blur Vision

 More appropriately called viral blisters,

fever blister 110 550 1230 5580 2750(sq) Hz

can also be the reason for blur vision.  And

listeria disease 80 260 780 2500 7500 5567(sq) Hz

the lazy disease (躺平), listen to this frequencies if you feel like laying down all the time.

Good luck.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Driving Portal Upwards Magnetic

 If the portal is throw northwards by earth's magnetic field, maybe,

it is possible to drive it upwards with a similar magnetic field from an electric coil.

Sandfly Fever And Blur Vision

 This is a set of new frequencies for sandfly fever,

sandfly fever 250 2780 3593(sq) 1157-1(sq) Hz

a disease that cause severe ulcers that break open skins and leave a hole in the cheek.

Good luck.

Friday, December 8, 2023

HIV/AIDS And Blur Vision

 This is a new set of frequencies for HIV,

HIV AIDS 150 5580 2200(sq) 3000(sq) 4750(sq) Hz

Why is this virus in your eyes?  If it is, it comprise your immune to fight off diseases that cause blur vision.

Good luck.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Colic And Whooping Dumb You Down

 These are new Rife frequencies for colic and whooping cough,

colic 130 230 620 1000 7500 1559-8(sq) Hz

whooping cough 100 350 950 1361(sq) Hz 

Colic affects reading ability and concentration.  Whooping cough deprive the brain of oxygen and in general stun growth.   In adults, it may reduce kidney function.  If you need to pee all the time, try listening to Rife frequencies.

Both diseases are targeted at children, but adults can suffer from it too; as mind fog and general weakness.

Good luck.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Beam Me Down Portal

 Beam me down has nothing to do with light beams,

the portal is simply moved down from top, envelops the subject and he steps out when he can see his legs.

Tripping on the portal might mean a nasty amputation.  Not stepping off might mean a slice of his sole is cut off, left behind on the source portal.

Have a nice day.

Friday, December 1, 2023

Trichinosis, Myopia And Stamina

 Trichinosis has been going around giving its patient ill stamina, body pain and weak vision,

Trichinosis 100 520 870 2500 Hz

Gook luck.  

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Projecting Portals

 This works,

maybe this will scale up nicely,

the \(7.498 Hz\) coil will need to be held down.

Have a nice day.

Friday, November 24, 2023

Space Tourism And Portals

 This portal must be opened in space and then dropped onto the surface of Earth, in geosynchronous orbit, the opening will be more or less fixed at a particular location.

Unless, there is a way to project the opening upwards into space aimed at GSO station; maybe one of these,

without building big pyramids.  Which reminds the question, why one end of the portal is always in water?  That water will seal the opening naturally and immediately upon exit or entrance?

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Other Than Being Bubbly, Magic Stone

 If the 'magic stone' moves the body in contact with it, forward slightly in time (because red is of lower frequency than violet, and so of lower lower energy and energy flows from high to low level), out of our 'present' perception and so renders it invisible.   What does a camera capture when it is in contact with such a stone?

Meridians?  Goodnight zzzz.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Hot Future And Dim Skies

 There is another reason why the weather is very hot in the future; an excess of oxygen in the atmosphere.  If \(CO_2\) is broken down into carbon and oxygen, and the oxygen released into the surroundings.  These oxygen combine with hydrogen during daylight and burns into \(H_2O\), water.  The exothermic reaction provides warm and daylight.  Too much oxygen on the surface of Earth results in too much heat and brightness.  Inner Earth, however, dims as more hydrogen are used on the surface with less penetrating into Earth's crust.

 In some enclosed environment, hydrogen is released in the night in the background of some tones, to combine with oxygen and so lowers the amount of oxygen during the night.  It rains regularly at night.  In this way, the level of oxygen in the day starts at a low value, and the day during its peak is less bright and hot.

If carbon capture is the cause of this heat,  it might not be wise to just release the oxygen produced during the carbon capture process into the atmosphere.  Store the oxygen also.

Oxygen combines with hydrogen from the Sun to give water, rains...  This could also be the reason why there is so much rainfall.  The carbon capture process has released excess of oxygen into the atmosphere.

Changing the future... again.