This is a set of frequencies for smallpox updated,
Smallpox 80 350 5500 (sq 3517 6250 9350 2250 4960-1 6824-5 7530-7) Hz
smallpox can also cause blur vision.
This is a set of frequencies for smallpox updated,
Smallpox 80 350 5500 (sq 3517 6250 9350 2250 4960-1 6824-5 7530-7) Hz
smallpox can also cause blur vision.
Amphibian diseases demotivate and depress general mental well being,
Amphibian Diseases 70 5810 (sq 1083 5750 1250-5 3762-9 4193-4 5600 6429-1 9301-2) Hz
After listening to this, the internal voice is less strained and is louder and sleep is less disturbed.
A relief to digestive distress, it seems.
In the eye sockets, these diseases cause blur vision. With breaking disulfide bonds frequency in the mix,
Amphibian Diseases SS 70 5810 (sq 1083 5750 1250-5 1779-79 3762-9 4193-4 5600 6429-1 9301-2) Hz
Maybe frogs are psychic and amphibian diseases hinder them.
Must have posted this set of frequencies before,
Uveitis 70 2500 5500 (sq 2516 4500 1250-9 2697-1 4799-3 5270 6670) Hz
the last can also affect kidneys and eye sockets.
There is no need to conduct experiment,
These devices were deleted,
lightning contained in a self-heating thermal flask maintained at \(80^oC\). And
Both devices are single ended current source (\(p^+\) or \(e^{-}\)). A switching capacitor may draw charges from the current source and provides a stable output voltage across given a load.
Good night.
Helium nucleus at \(v_{boom}=0.3066\,ms^{-1}\),
more elaborately,
amongst the mess,
\(C+2O\to CO_2\)
carbon and oxygen combines to give dry ice.
Does the beta particles disintegrate, fuse and then two of the fusion products form into dry ice? All fusion products, Beryllium, Carbon, Oxygen...should also be found.
This experiment would also indicate that fusion can be very very cold.
This is a combined Fusarium eye infection Rife frequencies audio file,
Fusarium oxysporum general 102 332 600 650 705 746 768 780 795 Hz
and with breaking disulfide bond frequencies mixed in,
Fusarium oxysporum general 102 332 600 650 705 746 768 780 795 sq 1779.79Hz
Breaking disulfide bond frequencies also causes wrinkles but they are temporary, stop listening and the wrinkles fades away. Breaking disulfide bonds prevent infections or re-infections.
Because at \(T_{boom}\), a lot of particles are created,
a test voltage across a sample of the material to be annealed will experience a jump in current or a drop in resistance when the temperature reach the specified \(T_{boom}\) temperature . This is how annealing temperature can be adjusted for in practice.This is an updated version of the set of frequencies for Aspergillosis,
Aspergillosis 120 830 5000 7250 (sq 3750 3573 4342-5 5631-9 7098-3 9780-5) Hz
Aspergillosis in the eyes causes blur vision.
Good luck.
This is an updated frequencies for Fusobacterium infections,
Fusobacterium infections 190 750 9000 (sq 1109 2250 4750 1157 3779-1 4701-2) Hz
Fusarium oxysporum (cornea inflammation) 102 332 705 780 795 Hz
both cause blur vision.
Good luck.
Another example of a self referencing set impossible to construct for at least one candidate member under consideration is,
"A set of all sets that is not in this set."
Bounce out immediately upon inclusion, if this is physical it might just be fun.
An empty set is not that impossible. But can it contain a NULL set, because 'NULL' is not in the set after inclusion. No, a NULL set is a set. NULL is a denotation for being empty.
"A set of all sets that is not in this set." is the empty set only if all contradictions/paradoxs are IGORNED. The contradictions cannot be simply excluded; for this reason this is an un-constructable set.
The philosopher has forgotten that he is part of nature and is born of nature. He tries to answer questions by his lonesome self, all in his mind.
To built a dam to block water. It is knowledge if water is actually damned up. To plant seeds. It is knowledge if the field grows to a tall golden harvest.
The Criterion is simple: if it works it's knowledge; if it does not work it's still knowledge. All these in the context of nature into which the philosopher is born and makes his observations and interactions.
Nothing circular here nor is vicious regress necessary. It is knowledge because you observe it in nature and interact it with nature.
Good Grief.
Un-constructable sets are not sets that you cannot imagine. You can imagine a set and propose the condition(s) for inclusion into the set but find that a contradiction or paradox (as in Russell's Paradox) occurs with at least one possible member in consideration then that set cannot be constructed.
You just note that such an un-constructable set has occurred and move on.
Un-constructable sets are just not 'true' mathematical statements that can be admitted to mathematics, in set theory.
As with Gödel's incompleteness theorem such un-constructable sets are imagined with self referencing statements/clauses/predicates,
"A set of all sets that does not contain itself."
Does such a set contain itself?
A little more involved than the statement "This statement is false." but the same old self referencing trick.
If the set is not in itself then it should be because the predicate states so, but if included then it is a set that contains itself and so should not be included.
There is no paradox here, if you accept that there can be non-sets(un-constructable set). 'Set' and 'non-set' just the yin and yang of all things. No, null set is a set. Non-set is not a set.
What do you do with non-sets? Non-sets will be dealt with in non-set theory, not set theory. As for the statement "This statement is false.", it is not a statement that can be true or false, but a non-statement that cannot be admitted into the mathematical world of statements. If Gödel's incompleteness theorem is stated as a paradox, it is not a paradox.
Don't get too dramatic about Russell's Paradox either, it is not a true paradox.
Obviously, there can be non-numbers. Together, numbers and non-numbers makes the world whole again.
All ravens are black.
All non black THINGs are not ravens.
The term 'black' has a scope. The phrase 'non black THINGs' changes that scope to include all things; including a white shoe and leads to the conclusion that a white shoe supports the hypothesis "All ravens are black".
To beg the point,
All ravens are black ravens.
All non black/non ravens are not ravens.
The phrase 'non black non ravens' comes from complementing/negating 'black ravens' as a whole,
non(black ravens) = non black or non ravens
The term 'black' is limited/scoped to/around ravens. If your study is on raven then non-ravens should not concern you.
non(black ravens) = non black or non ravens \(\longrightarrow\) non black and raven \(\longrightarrow\) non black ravens
Happy paradox.
PS: Any logical operation(s) on any statement(s) should not provide more information.
This is a combined frequency audio file for respiratory syncytial virus infections, rotavirus infections and frequencies for breaking labile disulfide bonds,
Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections Rotavirus Infection And Breaking SS Bonds
A salt water mouth rinse, mouth wash or eye drop may remove the stickiness that result from listening to this audio file.
Good luck.
Rickettsia infections is very common if you have cotton pillows not treated for mites.
Rickettsia Infections 130 180 830 5250 (1275 2125 3352-8 5600 6959-5 9975) Hz
They are a diverse collection of obligately intracellular Gram-negative bacteria found in ticks, lice, fleas, mites and chiggers that infect humans and cause multiple organ damage, including brain, kidneys and lungs. In the eyes, blur vision.
Good luck.
Remember the placid field in the post "The Placid Field" dated 29 Jul 2016 and the post "Just A Strobe Light" dated 27 Nov 2017, where time particles have a resonance frequency,
It is possible to get close to this frequencies with a non-aliased square wave at \(f_T=3230.6993\,Hz\).
The second mirror is to avoid a reflected being.
Good luck.
If it is possible to raise a portal to where rain clouds form (610~1220 m and up to 9144 m)
because condensing and freezing requires temperature particles and energy. Hot air introduced at the right altitude may just be enough to trigger rainfall.
Good luck.If you are not retarded will,
Mental Retardation 140 230 410 2370 4050 (sq 1750 1950 3763 4076 5130-6) Hz
frequencies for mental retardation make you smart? If you are fast will,
Plegia (paralysis, for speed reaction) 220 970 7500 (sq 2250 8537 1554-7 2850 4165 6054-1) Hz
frequencies for paralysis make you faster?
Acha... and Bruce Lee kick to you too.
Respiratory syncytial virus, also called human respiratory syncytial virus and human orthopneumovirus, is a virus that causes infections of the respiratory tract.
Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections 550 570 870 7500 (sq 5019 1400 3900 6243-7 8193-4) Hz
Reptile Diseases 160 570 650 870 2500 (sq 1575 2325 4925 8260-7 9259-5) Hz
for those with tortoise, snakes, lizards, crocodiles etc. as pets.
Clears up phlegm in the eyes,
Rotaviruses, Influenza A-B 250 450 950 6150 (sq 2250 3028 5133 7750 3133-5) Hz (1)
this is an update on the previous version of the set of frequencies for Rotavirus.
Good Luck.
This is a follow-up on mosquito borne encephalitis,
Arbovirus Infections 70 680 2330 (sq 3500 8750 4765 5270 6670 7532-3 9872-3) Hz
arbovirus is defined as any virus that is transmitted to humans and/or other vertebrates by certain species of blood-feeding arthropods, mostly insects (flies and mosquitoes) and arachnids (ticks).
Happy New Year
This set of frequencies for Mosquito-Borne Encephalitis may cause drowsiness if you have the disease in your eyes,
Mosquito-Borne Encephalitis 150 230 600 950 7500 (sq 1508-9 4553-4 5275 8965 9172) Hz
and to be complete, included here are frequencies for Plasmodium, a parasite from female mosquitos,
Plasmodium Infections 240 570 1000 (sq 1205 1777-1 2340 5910 6831-6 8493-4) Hz
Parasites Plasmodium cynomolgi 680 900 2500 9200 (sq 2530 1393 9350 4173 4245 4220) Hz
Parasites Plasmodium falciparum smear 680 900 2500 5500 (sq 1393 9350 3864 3730) Hz
Parasites Plasmodium vivax smear 680 900 2500 5500 (sq 1393 9350 3864 4381-5 4451 4420) Hz
and lastly,
Endophthalmitis 70 460 600 950 (sq 1053 3250 3875 5955-4 7324-1 9253-5) Hz
Endophthalmitis is a sweeping term for eye infections of all sort.
Happy Lunar New Year. If it is a calendar based on the periodicity of the moon, it is lunar, OK!? If it is about the Post Office, it is postal.
Rediscovered this while looking for varices, Variola, when in the eyes causes blur vision,
Variola 80 350 5500 (sq 3517 6250 9350 2250 4960-1 6824-5 7530-7) Hz
small pox everywhere. Would anyone disguise smallpox as herpes? Or mix the two genetically?
Good grief.
Would this arrangement guarantee a lift and not the torus being pressed against the ground,
Apparently infected and inflamed blood vessels also occurs at the top ends, not just the rear end,
Hemorrhoids 100 570 2830 (sq 1233 3000 8753 1965 5510-3 7773 8664-1) Hz
At the eye sockets, these inflammations press against the eyeballs and cause blur vision.
As to the nature of such infections...see a doctor,
worms and parasites 3125 1552 Hz
Where did the insect larvae come from and why are they in the eyes?
Myiasis (insect larvae infection) 130 490 600 870 2250 5250 (sq 1139-8 5458-7 7350 8050-7) Hz
What insect? Spiders! Household spiders!
Good grief.
After burns caused by UV rays, the tissues tend to stick,
Hernia, Esophageal 300 620 (sq 5125 1172-5 2455-6 3675 6252-2) Hz
For UV burns,
Xeroderma Pigmentosum 80 7500 (sq 1285 4000 6516 9650 1750-5 6536-9 7598-3 9237) Hz
combined into one audio file,
Hernia Esophageal And Xeroderma Pigmentosum
Hopefully this can bring myopia down to less than 200 degrees.
Good luck.
A pen mouse works well, except it tends to slip when you press the buttons.
Although Xeroderma pigmentosum is listed as "a genetic disorder in which there is a decreased ability to repair DNA damage such as that caused by ultraviolet (UV) light", this set of Rife frequencies can also be used for over exposure to UV light,
Xeroderma Pigmentosum 80 7500 (sq 1285 4000 6516 9650 1750-5 6536-9 7598-3 9237) Hz
and for skin dryness afterwards,
Xeroderma 180 650 800 (sq 3352 7250 2709-6 3218 5056-7 7152-8) Hz
Anyone who has lived under the fluorescent lamp and developed eyesight problems should listen to frequencies for Xeroderma Pigmentosum.
Good luck.
The supposed time traveler KFK was very insistent on his timeline being true. His presence on this timeline, in the past, makes his timeline self-fulfilling. Seafood became rare on his timeline because sea water was diluted severely by fresh water. None of the clams, mussels, abalones and other shell lives survived the drop in salinity.
The death of a group of islanders, genocide, revenge or an act of god, whatever the incident was called, was also important. It is probably because of the series of laws that came into being after the incident. Without their deaths this world does not progress to the time projected by Paul Amadeus Dienach as in the book "Chronicles From The Future". The world ended quickly early 21st century.
The Roswell Crash in 1947 involved two crafts front and back while traveling in time. Previously, a collision was thought impossible because time travel is at a fixed constant speed; no two crafts can jump into timeslip at the same time and space, so no collision. A smaller craft started later, crash into a craft in front twice. The second crash bounced the smaller craft out of timeslip and crash in a later date 1947 Jul 4. The front craft came out of timeslip later in time, at an earlier date 1947 Jul 1. They were both traveling back in time. A second crash between the crafts suggest that some thing on the second craft made it faster; it was not the jump into timeslip at the start that cause the difference in speed. The first crash would have redistributed the total momentum, the front craft faster and the back craft decelerated and make a second crash unlikely. As it turn out, a student they were carrying back in time, sharpened his pencil on the bottom of the smaller rotating craft. He left behind a thin layer of graphite, a complete circle, on the bottom of the craft. This graphite circle made the second craft faster in timeslip. Because the time spent in timeslip is limited, a faster speed in timeslip means further the time travelled. This is the reason why some countries have extended their Secrecy Act to over a longer period of sixty years. Time spent in timeslip is limited because, the inertia field around the craft is not perfect, time energy inside the craft drained out into the environment. Without time, madness. However, if there is a source of time energy inside the craft that replenishes the lost in time energy, then timeslip can last forever.
Did I just save the world again or what.
The other end of the portal is going to drop nine stories; do not open a portal at ground level unless you know where the other end will be. Underground water are at very high pressure, it will gush and flood,
Brown fats in the eye sockets? This set of frequencies for brown fat cancer seems to improve vision too,
Hibernoma 500 870 (sq 1725 2075 3152-3 4256-2 6912-2 7355-4 9620-7) Hz
Good luck.
Devic diseases is a disease because it is painful now where it was injected months ago,
Devic Disease 50 570 600 2250 5290 (sq 3750 4752-9 5270 8319) Hz
This could be the disease that mess up your immune system. In the eyes this disease cause color blindness.
This is another way to fold copper oxide inside copper,
Superconductor the ancient way.
Here is it again with a diagram,
When do you wish to be and how far?
The Sun as a Time Particle has the greatest temporal effect next to Earth as a Time Particle. There is no time between solar system.
It is likely that such time generating devices act like lightings mounted above our heads. Slowed and steady time energy as we experience on Earth naturally.
On top of frequencies for Mold, Fungus, Algae, Sewage Fungus and Baker Yeast, added are frequencies for Enterococcus Faecalis and Alcaligenes faecalis for a new formulation,
Good luck.
If aluminum is able to confine time energy, then a complete shield of aluminum around a house will trap time inside the a time bubble.
Do we called the magnetic selves in the time dimension, ghosts, entities, duals, souls...
Does fragments of realities exists, sets of magnetic bonds incomplete that lingers in the time dimension. Can a more comprehensive library exists of such fragments of time/memories. Astral records in a time bubble?
Setting up a time bubble at a 'peaceful' place without magnetic bond fragments is important.
What is the natural of a magnetic bond?
Maybe meditation,
the time traveler stay in the time bubble and meditate, and 'will' his locale by projecting his mind at the desired place, and possesses someone by projecting himself into that person.
Same spot different time,
Maybe one could travel in a big time particle produced using time particle resonance and made big using \(\psi\) resonance.
One drop back into space by simply switching off the time bubble. The time particle is pure time energy. Denser, positive and less dense, negative. Energy density values make the bubble positive time or negative time, not the its physical size.When we time travel, the last step to pop into the space dimension is electric. To pop into the time dimension and begin travelling is magnetic. However, since everything has a magnetic dual in the time dimension. It is then possible to remain in the time dimension and interact instead with the magnetic selves.
The magnetic self can explain how is it possible to mirror and clone oneself. The 'self' being produced is the magnetic self without a corresponding electronically bonded 'self' in the space dimension. Over time the cloned magnetic self loses photons and will fade. To make up for the loses, clone again and superimpose. Where the new clone walks into the decaying clone. Maybe...Maybe it should be to clone food, produce magnetic food and eat them.
This possibility to remain in the time dimension brings to mind the notion of 意识时间穿越 (consciousness time travel) that was popular on the internet sometime ago.
Either someone has thought of this before, or we are all caught in a bootstrap time loop right now.
Can we walk into another magnetic being and read its mind in the time dimension?
How we deal with time is our consciousness. Remembers the past, feels the presence and together with the notion of free will, plans for the future. All these steps in a Markov chain hops along the time dimension.
That is before we have time travel. Now a restricted peek into the future can influence the next hop. A Free Time Chain means unrestricted time travel capability. A privilege with a moral obligation to do the right thing.
Time travel is of two types, those that remains in the time dimension after the travel and those that break into the space dimension after time travel (possibly by an electric process).
One the point of an electrical process that breaks space, a sonic portal might have a electric potential that can be put to good use. Two very small portals confined in an enclosure that are use to generate electricity.
How to travel explicitly in the time dimension? How to break into the time dimension? How to break back into the space dimension from the time dimension?
EMW has two components an E field and a B field, what if the diagram shows a B field,
This is how we 'appear' and how all matters 'appear'.
All matters have a magnetic bond existence in the time dimension. We have a magnetic body in the time dimension.
If quantum entanglement is the result of superposition in the time dimension, then since existence in the time dimension is magnetic, that means to affect matters in the time dimension we need magnetism. Quantum entanglement is effectuated by magnetism. In engineering, effectuate = made useful.
When we stand in the time dimension, what is a photon?
The electric-magnetic pair might be a dual across time and space, but does manipulating the electric field in space affect its dual in time?
Yes, it does because resonance frequencies derived from energy densities and conservation of energy across space-time, work with iron wires which are ferromagnetic and not so much with copper wires that are diamagnetic.
Magnetism is the key to the time dimension.
This duality also means, while travelling in time, the electric field is the key back to the space dimension.
Furthermore, the orthogonal force, emanating from the time dimension, acting in space could be the mechanism that roll a pulse train of electromagnetic wave into a spherical wave-particle.
Nobody has measured light speed on a moving train, neither moving away or towards the light source. Is light, photons, even electromagnetic waves?
Does Maxwell's Equations apply to light, moving photons?
Why is time speed equal to light speed? A clock face not updating because you are moving at light speed away from it, does not mean time has stopped. Even if time has stopped, that does not mean time is at light speed either. You may catch up with the photons from the clock face and even see images of the clock hands reversing as you pass photons that was emitted before (as you travel faster that light speed supposedly), but your time is still forward. You experience time in the same way. And so does the clock, as it tick on irrespective of what you are doing. Time do not stop, as you travel at light speed. Not for you nor for any observer.
So, what the fuck.
In the post "Why Vortex? Time Vortex" dated 24 Nov 2024, time and space are orthogonal duals, and an 'effect' in space dimension is orthogonal to the its dual 'effect' originating from the time dimension. An example is from Maxwell's equations, where the magnetic flux and electricity are orthogonal duals.
So, in the time dimension, electric fields are in closed loops and there is no singular electric charge. In stead, magnetic particles occur as N monopoles and S monopoles.
Ours existence is not wholly in space, but at the interface between time and space.
An electromagnetic wave exists at the boundary between time and space and weaves in and out of time/space.
Photons are troublesome, because of our photonic existence that can be mirrored and duplicated...What are photons? They can embody a soul! They fade and break away.
If a flat stye, not conspicuous outside the eyelid, but flat extending inward, presses the eyeball down, then corrective lens might be necessary to lift and focus images onto the retina.
Hordeolum (stye eyelid)120 550 950 5870 (sq 2500 4250 6250 9250 9000 5157) Hz
Most call a down turn eyeball as myopia. Listen to this set of frequencies and feel the abscess drain as thickness behind the eye.
Good day.
Further reading into acid reflux led to,
Scleroderma Systemic 20 320 620 950 (sq 1243-7 3251-9 1750 4795 5270 6670) Hz
Rogue collagen! In the eye sockets, deformations force upon the eyeballs.
Good grief.
A gastroesophageal reflux response in the eye sockets. Not so impossible if such reflux respond is due to an over growth of common bacteria in the GI tract.
Gastroesophageal Reflux 230 620 970 7500 5500 (sq 1393 4537 9547 3762-9 4225-3) Hz
together with,
RNA Virus Infections 70 880 9710 (sq 6883 1028-5 2052-8 3125 4925) Hz
to fight against the artificial virus that hinders healing.
Merry Christmas. The issue then as is the issue now, is whether you can reproduce on that planet.
From Wikipedia: Fin rot can be the result of a bacterial infection (Pseudomonas fluorescens, which causes a ragged rotting of the fin), or as a fungal infection (which rots the fin more evenly and is more likely to produce a white "edge". So,
Pseudomonas Infections 60 230 8850 (sq 4525 1153 2153-1 4375 6625 8253-4 9170-3) Hz
Fungus Diseases 170 220 930 (sq 2750 1325 2555-8 4758-5 7249-4 8258-7) Hz
and combined,
Pseudomonas Infections And Fungus Diseases
Water proof the speakers (plastic bags) and dip them into the water.
Good luck.
This updated frequencies has sine wave 843 Hz added, to destroy Baker's Yeast,
Clear Water (Mold Fungus Algae Sewage Fungus Baker Yeast) II
and if yeast is of particular problem,
Most Effective Yeast freq 464 Hz
and updated Baker's Yeast,
all for a clear tank of water.
This set of frequencies works on fishes.
Infertility 170 120 300 890 6910 (sq 7971 1328-1 2061-1 4345-8 5137-9) Hz
which is great news for breeders trying to mate impossible fishes; which also suggest our primal reptilian brains are not reptilian but fish!
We have primal fish brains.
All in one,
Clear Water (Mold Fungus Algae Sewage Fungus Baker Yeast)
try with water proof-ed speakers dip into the aquarium.
Good luck.
To kill off yeast specifically,
Yeast General Relief 72 254 375 422 465 522 582 787 876 987 1016 2222 Hz
Yeast is common in aquarium when the fishes are fed with live food, daphnia or moina that are maintained using yeast. More specifically,
Adds to the cloudiness and a sour odor.
Good afternoon.
This set of frequencies clears up water in an aquarium,
Clear Water (Mold Fungus Algae Sewage Fungus)
together with these sets of frequencies that are useful,
Stress (General) 140 680 2500 (sq 6242 1225-3 3000 4960-1 6552 7550 8051-2) Hz
lice infestations 410 620 930 7500 (sq 1393 8554 9650 3278-1 4052-3) Hz
Vitamin D Deficiency 170 220 620 (sq 1109 4000 5750 1500 1750 4260 8260) Hz
Either place the speakers against the fish tank or water proof the speakers/headphones with plastic bags and hang them over the tank, dip into the water. The volume should be low.
All for happy fishes.
Malaria is an arthropod disease,
Malaria 240 570 1000 (sq 1205 1777-1 2340 5910 6831-6 8493-4) Hz
and also for blur vision,
Arthropod Disease Including Encephalitis II
repeated here because it is common and important. This disease in the eyes may make the patient susceptible to hypnosis.
Good luck.
This is a better version,
Arthropod Disease Including Encephalitis II
for Dwarf Gourami and possibly Discus.
Good luck. And,
Tinea (Pityriasis) Versicolor 50 410 600 850 (sq 3500 4795 5270 6637-1 7527 9872-3) Hz
some of the colorations comes from the fungus/virus, so not too much to discolor the fishes completely but enough to keep the fish living longer.
Tinea Versicolor and Pityriasis Versicolor share the same set of Rife frequencies.
Good luck.
There is no specific set of Rife frequencies for Dwarf Gourami Disease, but there are two sets of frequencies for arthropod disease,
Arthropod Diseases 60 850 7800 (sq 2500 5250 2750-9 4269 5710 8290 9374-1) Hz
Arthropod-Borne Encephalitis 150 230 600 950 7500 (sq 1508-9 4553-4 5275 8965 9172) Hz
Arthropod Disease Including Encephalitis
These may not work for Dwarf Gourami Disease but no harm trying.
Good grief.
This is an update on the frequency set for corona virus with breaking di-sulfide bonds added,
Coronaviridae Infections and SS 80 350 5750 (sq 1293 6347 1779-79 4352-9 5625 7935 9957-5) Hz
best see a doctor if the symptoms persist.
If you have blur vision since childhood and these glasses companion has refuse to go away,
Roseola Infantum 70 500 950 7500 (sq 1053 1325 2425 3920-1 6292-6 9154-8) Hz
Listen till the dry phlegm feeling in the eyes are gone and vision clears up. And a related infection,
Cytomegalovirus Infections 70 120 850 9500 (sq 8800 1412 2975 4259-5 6753-1 8270) Hz
and combined,
Roseola Infantum And Cytomegalovirus
Good luck.
Nocardia Infections is deadly, 16%–40% of patients die within the first year of diagnosis, and outcomes depend largely on the underlying disease. Treatment is not certain.
Nocardia Infections 160 320 950 7500 (sq 3250 4750 9529 3762-9 6752-9 7270) Hz
This disease gives a hunch back to those infected. Bent forward and feeling timid.
Good day.
Serratia is a genus of Gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic, rod-shaped bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae. They are found in water, soil, plants, and animals. Opportunistic and pathogenic, strains like S. marcescens, S. plymuthica, S. liquefaciens, S. rubidaea, and S. odoriferae are all infectious.
Serratia Marcescens and HC 870-04 (sq 1747-526 3521) Hz
this bacteria is red;
Enteritis Pseudomembranous 410 620 950 7500 (sq 2575 8750 4800 5252-9 8250) Hz
and just in case for, a general hit at a most common condition,
Gastroenteritis 100 500 680 950 5750 (sq 1750 2375 5175 6965 8165) Hz
Good night.
Alcaligenes Faecalis is another common bacteria found in the human environment that is considered non pathogenic... unless it is in over growth in the eye sockets.
Alcaligenes faecalis sq 3697-5 3854 3803-75 Hz
Give me a headache. Listen to frequencies with due caution. Stop if in trouble/pain.
Take a copper plate, heat in oxygen half the material to convert to oxide,
roll the plate into a cylinder, heat and reform into a solid cylinder. The oxide folded inside should cool into crystals. Pull into a wire.
Test conductivity. DC and AC. The inner cylinder, the interface between copper and copper oxide should also exhibit skin effect for AC at high frequencies. Skin effects on the outside surface will be a delayed signal.
Is the wire superconducting?
This is a rare find,
Staphylococcus epidenmidis sq 3870 Hz
Staphylococcus epidermidis is a permanent member of the normal human microbiota, commonly found on skin and mucous membranes. It will affect vision if in the eye sockets.
and also from cats and dogs,
Parasites tapeworms (dogs and cats) 100 250 680 5870 2500 7500 (sq 9650 2157 4750 5270) Hz
Both parasites recurs if without repeat treatment. Listen again for the next two weeks. This parasites can cause damage to the eyes.
Maybe, time and space are orthogonal dimensions, an effect represented by a vector originating from the time dimension is perpendicular to the vector in the space dimension that triggers the time effect.
in this way the space vector is spined into a vortex.Not all spots are white, some golden brown spots on the bodies and fins of fishes are,
Parasites Chilomonas, whole mount 2500 (sq 1393 2045-1 3373 3889-5 3907 3890 3937-5 4000 3980) Hz
because of the calcium encasings, this set of frequencies takes a longer time to work. The spots drop off.
Good night.
Blastocystis hominis infections and Tapeworms from dogs and cats,
Blastocystis hominis infections 40 460 750 2750 7500 (sq 4750 9650 3573 8340 9374-1) Hz
Parasites tapeworms (dog and cats) 100 250 680 5870 2500 7500 (sq 9650 2157 4750 5270) Hz
combined into one audio file,
Blastocystis hominis And Tapeworms (dog and cats)
Still, contaminated water.
Good luck.
Contaminated water source and food with rat urine is a probable route for this infection,
Parasites Chilomastix cysts (rat) 2500 (sq 1393 2045-1 3373 3889-5 3907 3890 4260 4252 4273) Hz
in the eye sockets this parasite affect vision. This is of the those frequencies that work immediately, if the infection is present.
Good luck.
Tick borne diseases is not common among equatorial countries but they manage to find their way into the eyes,
Tick Paralysis 80 520 680 970 2500 (sq 3243-7 5225-3 6552 7500 9267) Hz
the foul smell of rotten wood is very distinctive from these type of diseases.
Good night.
Caliciviridae Infections causes gastrointestinal disease, in the eye blur vision,
Caliciviridae Infections 60 490 570 2500 7500 (sq 3000 7250 2257-5 4193-4 5619-3) Hz
This virus was cultured only recently, before that it was not studied. Back then it was naturally a candidate as a weapon virus. as it has no specific treatment.
Hope your eyesight improve immediately.
Photons are elementary particles that are quanta of the electromagnetic field, including electromagnetic radiation and the force carrier for the electromagnetic force. To accept photons as force carriers in a static field, however invites energy conservation concern; there cannot be a constant stream of photons from the source of the field without energy depletion.
This is where the idea that 'time' as an orthogonal dimension and that there can be energy exchange with the space dimension through and flow, comes in.
These photons come from the time dimension, through a charged particle or by driving particles through a coil wire at a specific resonance frequency. As time and space are equivalent dimension, energy also passes from the space dimension into the time dimension in a similar way. This way energy is conserved and neither time nor space dimension depletes in energy.
This is how photons as force carriers applies to static fields.
How then does a charged particle draw energy from the time dimension into the space dimension? Previous posts have simply assigned charge property to the particles. Resonance frequencies were found by equating energy densities in the time and space dimension of different unit volume, sphere vs cube, tetrahedron vs octahedron, etc...which were then related to Platonic Solids.
One speculation is that the orbital path of the particle traces out one face the polyhedron; a circle, an equilateral triangle, a square.
Can there be more than the six sides of a cuboid (the simplest projection in 3D) to present six types of forces? The set of five Platonic Solids plus the sphere to account for six.
What is this sixth force?
Is this life energy that when reflected duplicates life (mirror image)? When pointed directly downward does it 'charge' life?
I missed this phobia, the fear of dirty things,
Emetophobia 80 620 870 5810 (sq 2250 4230-7 5720 7273-3 8411-2 9039-1) Hz
and here are the rest,
Phobias, Phobic Disorder 230 650 (sq 1695 7350 1205-3 3555-4 6075-9 8165-1 9799-3) Hz
Photophobia 500 570 870 (sq 1233 4250 1525 2875 3923-1 8105 9010-4) Hz
Claustrophobia 230 650 (sq 1695 7350 1205-3 3555-4 6075-9 8165-1 9799-3) Hz
Hydrophobia 70 180 1650 7930 (sq 1025-3 1655 4150 6935 8753-1 9159-3) Hz
It is not that your fears have become pathological but the memories, knowledge, skills, feelings and motivations associated with all of these phobias that you have come to avoid.
Treat the phobias, regain your abilities.
Good night.
This face rot happens at the direct receiving end of proton radiations,
Romberg Disease (face rot) 90 320 950 3110 (sq 2500 4500 9500 1005 2157-9 4140 5365) Hz
which can happen for all sort of reasons including cosmic radiations, nuclear explosion, being fired upon by a proton beam, etc...
Good night.
A sphere has two faces,
where the transition from one face to the next is at the limit of \(180^o\), internal angle. One face in front, the back face completely obscured. But at \(180^o\) internal angle, this sphere has no edge and no vertex.And so Euler's formular \(F+V=E+2\) is satisfied.
It is not whether you display outwardly such phobias, but the memories, skills, knowledge and motivations associated with the phobia that you avoid,
Phobias, Phobic Disorder 230 650 (sq 1695 7350 1205-3 3555-4 6075-9 8165-1 9799-3) Hz
Photophobia 500 570 870 (sq 1233 4250 1525 2875 3923-1 8105 9010-4) Hz
Claustrophobia 230 650 (sq 1695 7350 1205-3 3555-4 6075-9 8165-1 9799-3) Hz
Hydrophobia 70 180 1650 7930 (sq 1025-3 1655 4150 6935 8753-1 9159-3) Hz
regain you abilities by dealing with such phobias.
Good luck.
A RNA virus with the APC gene encoding that produces the APC protein in excess, affect cell attachment and so causes malformations. Mothers with this condition (an excess of APC protein) give birth to soft and fragile babies. The babies' heart is likely to fail first after birth.
RNA Virus Infections 70 880 9710 (sq 6883 1028-5 2052-8 3125 4925) Hz
Get rid of the virus then get pregnant.
Good night.
How common is Nematomorpha Infections in the eyes,
nematomorpha infections 60 490 730 1270 5870 (sq 1127-1 1233 2525 4925 6752-9) Hz
that cause blur vision? Whack a few spiders and go blind...
Good morning.
These sets of frequencies helped with my blur vision,
Melioidosis 500 900 (sq 1361 3750 1175 2556-1 4975 7157 8420-6) Hz
Bacillus Infections 50 370 830 2500 3000 (sq 7330 3550-8 3590 3630 3930) Hz
For deep pitted infection face or anywhere,,
Furunculosis (deep follicle infection) 200 460 600 225 (sq 1285 2750 4250 9650 2364-2 4552-1) Hz
and for itchy bumps too closely clustered to be naturally infected,
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever 70 520 7570 (sq 3380 2827-5 4057-5 5238-8 6675 8252-8 9157) Hz
Good night.
This is not dengue
Ross River Virus Infections 120 780 (sq 1271 5500 9000 1750-5 4250 5710 8220 9320) Hz
but is transmitted by mosquitos also.
Ross River virus infection can cause fever, rash, joint inflammation, pain, fatigue and muscle aches. Most people recover completely within 3 to 6 months, although some people have intermittent symptoms for a year or more. Ross River virus infection is caused by an alphavirus.
Blur vision in the eyes.
Good night.
Apparently pig parasites do affect human. The worms do not grow big but encyst themselves under the cutaneous skin quickly. The resulting inflammation is mistaken for being 'fat'.
Iodamoebiasis 520 2500 (sq 4000 9500 3762-9 4765 5270 6653-4 7527 9872-3) Hz
Parasites Iodamoeba butschlii 680 900 2500 5500 (sq 3981-5 4047-5 4378-5 4485) Hz
These frequencies may slim down, if 'fat' is parasitic.
Good evening.
Surprisingly what happens at the groin region also affects the eye sockets,
Smegma is the buildup of skin cells, oil secretions, and moisture at the genitals.
Good night.
Iodamoeba is a genus of intestinal parasitic protist found in humans, nonhuman primates, and other animals. This is a set of frequencies for iodamoebiasis,
Iodamoebiasis 520 2500 (sq 4000 9500 3762-9 4765 5270 6653-4 7527 9872-3) Hz
In the eyes, these single-celled intestinal parasites cause blur vision.
Good night.
This is an update of the set of frequencies for eye cancer,
Eye Cancer 60 230 730 (sq 3250 9000 1750 4345-1 6536-9 7530-7) Hz
Adenomas turn cancer given time.
Good night.
With Diplopia, multiple images pile on each other make vision unclear,
Diplopia 260 650 5150 (sq 1053 4250 6531 9590 2258-3 4558-2 8053-1) Hz.mp3
it is not a defocused image. One reason for this could be small bumps that form similarly in the back of the throat,
Adenoma All 5810 (sq 2250 5250 9250 4325 5270 6670 7210 9872-3) Hz
polyps presses against the eyeballs causing them to deform badly. And, if exposure to nuclear radiation is prolonged.
Adenomatous Polyposis Coli 40 250 500 2500 (sq 3220-6 4225-3 5619-3 7098-3 8425 9859) Hz
Radiation is one other reason for gene mutation.
Good night.
Sphaerotilus natans is an aquatic periphyton bacterial organism found in polluted water. It is also found in the S-shaped tube under the sink. They are commonly called "sewage fungus".
If they get into your eyes,
Sphaerotilus Natans HC (sewage fungus) 969-19 sq 1946-674 Hz
a greyish discoloration covers the white of the eyes.
Combined with the set of frequencies for algae that make the sclera "green",
Sphaerotilus Natans HC And Stigeoclonium
no more myopia! Maybe.
Good luck.
If your aquarium persistent at a pH of 4.33 no matter what, it is possible that Escherichia Coli has taken hold,
Escherichia coli Infections 160 410 730 830 7500 (sq 3560 3930 4250 6105 8260-7) Hz
and repeated here a set of frequencies to kill off common algae on the walls of the tank,
Parasites Stigeoclonium (algae) 680 900 2500 5500 (sq 1393 9350 4042-5 4152-5 4120 4070) Hz
Guppies are more difficult than goldfishes.
Good night.
This disease come from water contaminated by pig farms,
Stephanurus dentatus infection occurs only in swine. More correctly, it is disease causing only in swine not normal human.
This other entry here,
Phlegmon 500 850 5120 7250 (sq 1393 1475 2500 4257-5 6250) Hz
phlegmon is a localized area of acute inflammation of the soft tissues; behind the eyes it causes poor vision.
Try; hot kidneys, a clear throat, better vision and clear nasal passages are good sign that the frequencies worked for you.
Klebsiella is a very common cause for childhood myopia,
Klebsiella Infections 130 410 650 970 7500 (sq 1047 3984-5 4010 4046-5 4190) Hz
and another version,
Pneumoniae klebsiella (causes an acute, bacterial pneumonia) 412 766 776 840 746 818 Hz
infects where it is wet and moist...
Good luck.
Stigeoclonium can attach itself anywhere,
Parasites Stigeoclonium (algae) 680 900 2500 5500 (sq 1393 9350 4042-5 4152-5 4120 4070) Hz
maybe it can also attach itself to the eyes, nasal cavity, air passages and the digestive tract. Green eyes anyone?
Good day.
These frequencies may help with eyesight,
Choroideremia 200 460 (sq 1750 4750 9519 3573 4525-9 5152-7 6830 9953-8) Hz
and for flu,
Influenza Asian grippe A 516 656 434 Hz
Influenza virus A Port Chalmers 332 622 863 Hz
these last two because flu virus lingers in the eye sockets.
Good afternoon.
This is a set of frequencies for Scrub Typhus,
Tsutsugamushi Disease (Scrub Typhus) 320 620 970 (sq 1269 1125 2657-5 4257-1 7451-9) Hz
and an updated set for tuberculosis,
tuberculosis 80 400 730 900 5110 (sq 4750 9750 2227 5270 6637-1) Hz
Good luck.
Mudra foot, this disease can also occur in the eyes and ears,
Madura Foot 180 370 710 920 (sq 3651 1825-1 3921-1 5073-8 6721-3 7212-2) hz
with incessant itching and pain.
Good luck.
This is very common cause for blur vision,
Botulism 320 (sq 1655 8500 2324-1 4585 5196-8 6876-2 7124-2 9920) Hz
This set of frequencies has been updated with square wave non aliased.
This disease looking like big jaws at the side of the face,
Parotitis, Epidemic 130 300 830 2500 7500 (sq 2250 1420-2 2510-2 3255-8 4718-7) Hz
can also affect vision.
Grippe was another name for flu, now no longing in common use,
Grippe 80 250 570 7500 (sq 1053 1250 4000 3133-5 3200 6150) Hz
The scary thing is, the runny nose, sore throat.. go away but the virus remains to attack the kidneys, lungs, brain, etc.
Good grief.
What happens when a portal is reflected by an aluminum coated mirror,
Good night.