Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Expanded Scope And Black Ravens

 All ravens are black.

All non black THINGs are not ravens.

The term 'black' has a scope.  The phrase 'non black THINGs' changes that scope to include all things; including a white shoe and leads to the conclusion that a white shoe supports the hypothesis "All ravens are black".

To beg the point,

All ravens are black ravens.

All non black/non ravens are not ravens.

The phrase 'non black non ravens' comes from complementing/negating 'black ravens' as a whole,

non(black ravens) = non black or non ravens

The term 'black' is limited/scoped to/around ravens.  If your study is on raven then non-ravens should not concern you. 

non(black ravens) = non black or non ravens \(\longrightarrow\) non black and raven \(\longrightarrow\) non black ravens

Happy paradox.

PS:  Any logical operation(s) on any statement(s) should not provide more information.