Amphibian diseases demotivate and depress general mental well being,
Amphibian Diseases 70 5810 (sq 1083 5750 1250-5 3762-9 4193-4 5600 6429-1 9301-2) Hz
After listening to this, the internal voice is less strained and is louder and sleep is less disturbed.
A relief to digestive distress, it seems.
In the eye sockets, these diseases cause blur vision. With breaking disulfide bonds frequency in the mix,
Amphibian Diseases SS 70 5810 (sq 1083 5750 1250-5 1779-79 3762-9 4193-4 5600 6429-1 9301-2) Hz
Maybe frogs are psychic and amphibian diseases hinder them.