Friday, March 2, 2018

No Sign Assignment Needed

A hiatus because the model for particles,

and all its variations is not consistent with,


\(t_g\ne -t_c\)

\(t_c\ne -t_T\)

\(t_T\ne -t_g\)

and etc.

Luckily, charge continuum, that charge varies continuously from negative to zero, to positive values  does not implies that the various fields (electric, gravity and temperature) are a entangled mess of opposing fields.  It implies that,

\(\nabla\cdot E=-\nabla\cdot g\)

\(\nabla\cdot T=-\nabla\cdot E\)


\(\nabla\cdot g=-\nabla\cdot T\)

where \(E\), \(g\) and \(T\) are electric, gravity and temperature fields.

If the fields are a mess of opposing fields then, one possible conclusion is that there is only one electric field that produces a magnetic field on spin and gravity is just electric particles interacting at close proximity as waves that attract each other.  Similarly, temperature fields are waves interacting at close distance, and interactions at greater distance manifest as the magnetic fields.

Distance apart being relative to the size of the particle in consideration, on Earth's surface, we are interacting with Earth as waves.

The trouble is, given,

\(\nabla\cdot E=-\nabla\cdot g\)


\(\nabla\cdot T=-\nabla\cdot E\)

we have,

\(\nabla\cdot T=-(-\nabla\cdot g)\)

\(\nabla\cdot T=\nabla\cdot g\)

which contradicts the last statement,

\(\nabla\cdot g=-\nabla\cdot T\)

Taken together, \(\nabla\cdot T=0\) and since all assignments are arbitrary, so is \(\nabla\cdot E=0\) and \(\nabla\cdot g=0\).


\(-\nabla\cdot T\ne \nabla\cdot -T \)

and that,

\(\nabla\cdot E=\nabla\cdot (-g)\)


\(\nabla\cdot T=\nabla\cdot (-E)\)


\(\nabla\cdot g=\nabla\cdot (-T)\)

that the back (negative) end of a vector spinning is not the negative of the front (positive) end of the same vector spinning.

With this in mind,

where a negative charge particle spins (blue lines) to generate a temperature field, but a positive charge particle spins (red lines) to generate a gravity field.  A reversed spin generates the same field in the reversed direction.

Do we collapse every atom in the universe this way?