Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Sphere, Cylinder And Egg

Remember this,

if we line them up and send them down a line we have,

\(\psi\) wraps around into a sphere manifest itself as circular waves with centers along the line of travel, forming a cylinder.

At this point, we do not know the direction of this wave (right hand rule or left hand) but we known form symmetry, by rotating the line in any plane containing it by \(180^o\) that this direction reverses.  So, the sense of the wave (clockwise vs anticlockwise) reversed with the follow of the particles along the straight path.

But given one direction of flow, the clockwise or anticlockwise sense remains arbitrary.

Only upon the application of Lenz's Law based on conservation of energy, that the particle is not self propelling like a photon, that the right hand rule for the flow of positive particles is true.

And we are still open as to the nature of this field, cylindrical along the line of travel.

Egg, refers to the deformed shape of the particles as they are propelled in a field.

Have a nice day.