Monday, September 9, 2024

Leiomyoma, Leiomyosarcoma And Blur Vision

 Leiomyoma is a form of benign cancer of smooth muscles and Leiomyosarcoma is malignant cancer of smooth muscles.  On the eyelids these cancers press the eyeball downwards causing blur vision.  The eyelids will appear thicken and drooping.

Leiomyoma 850 980 1800 (sq 1753 2132-3 3212-9 4236-9 5975 8625 9155-4) Hz

Leiomyosarcoma 170 180 800 7500 (sq 4721 1325-8 3552-3 4869 5302-2) Hz

This condition is very common.

Good luck.