Thursday, September 12, 2024

Guppies And Closed Fins

 Too much calcium in the tank which leads to,

Milk-Alkali Syndrome 110 490 (sq 1473 8250 2175 3440-1 6715-2 7532-1 8710-2 9758-7) Hz 

this condition causes the central nervous system to collapse and the fish pulls its fin tight, has difficulties swimming and eventually dies.

Remove all calcium sources in the tank, do a water change.


Central Autonomic Nervous System Diseases 50 370 830 2750 3000 (sq 7000 9509 1751-6 2750 3573) Hz

Central Nervous System Diseases 500 (sq 4750 1500 2143-5 3251-9 4511-7 5175 6876-2 8620 9920) Hz

hopefully will help rebuild the nervous system and fight closed fins condition.

The root cause of too much calcium is usually a drop in pH; high acidity leaches too much calcium into the water.  One possible reason for a drop in pH is,

Lactobacillus acidophilus sq 3470 3516-5 3540 Hz

Lactobacillus Acidophilus HC 865-08 sq 1737-569 Hz

this bacteria can drop tank acidity to a low 3.5 pH.

Good luck.