Saturday, September 14, 2024

Fin Rot, Stroke And Hypercalcemia

 Hypercalcemia is one of the three symptoms of Milk-Alkali Syndrome.  A tails and fins are full of blood vessels.  A sudden change in temperature, acidity and salinity cause calcium to precipitate out of solution and clogs the blood vessels.  The fish has a stroke.  The fin and tail tissues not being adequately supplied with blood start to die and rot away.

All other infections white spot caused by oodinium, ich caused by Ichthyophthirius multifiliis are secondary to necrosis due to stroke as a result of calcium deposits.  The parasites and protozoans are feeding on the rotting tissues.

So we need,

Stroke 90 120 620 (sq 1517 9650 2250 4251-6 5710 8410 9374-1) Hz


Hypercalcemia 110 490 (sq 1473 8250 2175 3440-1 6715-2 7532-1 8710-2 9758-7) Hz

and regenerative frequencies,

Skin Collagen Building 190 370 7250 (sq 4575 1205 4240 4670 4931 7500 9225-3) Hz

Cartilage Diseases 60 520 (sq 2750 5575 1251-9 2500 3547-2 5175 6830 7124-2) Hz


Max Bioeffects On Cartilage 3-5~4-1 MHz sq 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4000 4100 Hz

and only from intuition,

Lupus Vulgaris 727 787 800 880 Hz

in human this disease attacks the face, is very opportunistic.

Good night.