Saturday, September 28, 2024

Goodpasture, Weed Killer And Backache

 This is an update on Goodpasture Syndrome set of frequencies,

Goodpasture Syndrome 170 950 2500 (1053 3751-6 5257-1 6500 7526-3 9237) Hz

the last has a whining low beat, this new rendition hopefully fixed that.

Good luck.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Diabetes Insipidus, Pale Urine, Always Thirsty, Always Pee

 Diabetes Insipidus is not diabetes mellitus which has do with blood sugar.   Diabetes insipidus is a rare condition where your body produces too much urine and isn't able to properly retain water.  Death is possible.  So, it is a serious condition that requires medical treatment.  See a doctor.

Diabetes Insipidus 160 240 680 (sq 1109-7 2025 3670 4203-5 4223 7929 9353-1) Hz

This set of frequencies may just let you get on with work.  

Good luck.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Celiac Disease And Blur Vision

 If gluten allergy causes inflammation in the soft tissues in the eye orbits then Celiac disease can result in blur vision,

Celiac Disease 120 550 850 2500 (sq 2000 4750 7250 1251-7 3799-3) Hz

for those who don't know about their allergy, then their poor vision is variable and chronic depending on whether they have taken gluten that day.

Good night.  Stay gluten free.

I Got To Pee

 This is for Forest Grump,

incontinence 666 2050 2128 2250 Hz

Goodpasture Syndrome 170 950 2500 (sq 1053 3751-6 5257-1 6500 7526-3 9237) Hz

and combined into one file,

incontinence and goodpasture

Hold that thought Jenny...

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Mass Gap

 Inertial mass - gravitational mass = mass gap

this is why calculated mass are smaller than weighed mass.  Theoretically calculated mass is inertial mass.  Weighed mass is gravitational mass.

Good night.

Hypercalcemia, Ca Supplement And Psychosis

 In space, bones deteriorate quickly, so space men load themselves with calcium supplements.  Too much calcium causes hypercalcemia.  One of the result of which is psychosis, the compulsion to acts of violence.

Could this be the reason behind space psychosis? Ca supplement too much?

Good grief.

Inertial Mass And Gravitational Mass

 The point is force A is not zero,

For the same amplitude in acceleration, force A is smaller than force B.  Force B accounts for work against gravity also.  When acceleration is zero, force B is only working against gravity.  On a spring balance, inertial mass disappears.  The mass weighed is only gravitational mass.

Huge implication if you are trying to launch vertically (with a vertical gravitational component).


Given any field, what do you call \(m\), that property of the object that divides the force in the field to give acceleration \(g\).  It is the same \(m\) when energies (potential and kinetic) is in focus.

Good night.


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Polio And Polio Cerebri Again

 New frequency renderings for polio and polio cerebri,

polio 120 750 (sq 3793 1051-7 2137-1 4650 5975 7243-7 8253-4) Hz

polio and breaking SS bonds

and the brain specifically,

Poliodystrophia Cerebri 250 780 930 7500 (sq 1089 9590 3225-3 4157 5629-1 7420-6) Hz (1)

Poliodystrophia Cerebri And Breaking SS Bonds

Good luck

Anthrax, Buckholderia And Weed Killer

 This is  a updated set of frequencies for anthrax,

Anthrax 70 680 930 5500 (sq 1109 1193-4 1500 1753-3 5450 7050) Hz

and Burkholderia, a severe food poisoning with smell of coconut,

Burkholderia Infections 70 120 750 930 (sq 1233 2250 5750 9250 3243-7) Hz


Goodpasture Syndrome 170 950 2500 (sq 1053 3751-6 5257-1 6500 7526-3 9237) Hz

a set of frequencies for weed killer poisoning.  If you have eaten unwashed vegetables, peanuts or tubers contaminated with weed killer, has a need to pee at night, a back pain on the right side (right for males) and a need to pee too often...listen to this set of frequencies.

All square wave have been updated to non alias (not low passed) square wave.

Good Noon.

Time Has A magnetic Component

 A time portal is moved by Earth's Magnetic field northwards; it has a magnetic component,

maybe an iron wire coil with ferromagnetic property will affect time in a more controllable way.

Good luck.

Be Like Water...

 To calibrate how time is slowed,

Heat flow, adjusted by a temperature gradient along the the aluminum wire, of a given setup and locale, is such that after one minute time is slowed by one sec.

The temperature delta across the two wire endpoints are also noted for time to stop completely.

The dodecahedron has been swapped for a icosahedron.  Water seem to affect time and time cuts through anything.  A light saber is water!

Good night.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Monkey Pox And Blur

 This is an updated set of frequencies for Monkey Pox,

Monkeypox 120 350 930 (sq 2250 7750 1506-1 2600 3950 5975 9756-8) Hz

using square wave non- alias for frequencies above 20 kHz.

Good night.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Fin Rot, Stroke And Hypercalcemia

 Hypercalcemia is one of the three symptoms of Milk-Alkali Syndrome.  A tails and fins are full of blood vessels.  A sudden change in temperature, acidity and salinity cause calcium to precipitate out of solution and clogs the blood vessels.  The fish has a stroke.  The fin and tail tissues not being adequately supplied with blood start to die and rot away.

All other infections white spot caused by oodinium, ich caused by Ichthyophthirius multifiliis are secondary to necrosis due to stroke as a result of calcium deposits.  The parasites and protozoans are feeding on the rotting tissues.

So we need,

Stroke 90 120 620 (sq 1517 9650 2250 4251-6 5710 8410 9374-1) Hz


Hypercalcemia 110 490 (sq 1473 8250 2175 3440-1 6715-2 7532-1 8710-2 9758-7) Hz

and regenerative frequencies,

Skin Collagen Building 190 370 7250 (sq 4575 1205 4240 4670 4931 7500 9225-3) Hz

Cartilage Diseases 60 520 (sq 2750 5575 1251-9 2500 3547-2 5175 6830 7124-2) Hz


Max Bioeffects On Cartilage 3-5~4-1 MHz sq 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4000 4100 Hz

and only from intuition,

Lupus Vulgaris 727 787 800 880 Hz

in human this disease attacks the face, is very opportunistic.

Good night.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Influencinum Vesica And Blur Vision

 This combination of three set of frequencies works will for blur vision,

Influencinum vesica (blisters) general 203 292 588 612 975 407 Hz.mp3

Influencinum Berlin 55 - 430 720 787 Hz


otitis 100 520 780 2250 5260 (sq 1675 3525-2 8454-7 9225-3) Hz

Combined into a single audio file,

Influencinum Vesica And Otitis

'Influencinum' is probably a German word.  Blisters in the back of the eyes will affect vision.  The set of frequencies for Otitis is thrown in for good measure just in case the ear canals are itchy too.

A small drop of clove oil on a ear dig introduced where the skin has broken will ease the pain.  An for equally good measure, just in case of tell-tale sign of black fluid,

Anthrax And Breaking SS bonds

Good luck.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Guppies And Closed Fins

 Too much calcium in the tank which leads to,

Milk-Alkali Syndrome 110 490 (sq 1473 8250 2175 3440-1 6715-2 7532-1 8710-2 9758-7) Hz 

this condition causes the central nervous system to collapse and the fish pulls its fin tight, has difficulties swimming and eventually dies.

Remove all calcium sources in the tank, do a water change.


Central Autonomic Nervous System Diseases 50 370 830 2750 3000 (sq 7000 9509 1751-6 2750 3573) Hz

Central Nervous System Diseases 500 (sq 4750 1500 2143-5 3251-9 4511-7 5175 6876-2 8620 9920) Hz

hopefully will help rebuild the nervous system and fight closed fins condition.

The root cause of too much calcium is usually a drop in pH; high acidity leaches too much calcium into the water.  One possible reason for a drop in pH is,

Lactobacillus acidophilus sq 3470 3516-5 3540 Hz

Lactobacillus Acidophilus HC 865-08 sq 1737-569 Hz

this bacteria can drop tank acidity to a low 3.5 pH.

Good luck.

RNA Virus, Adenomatous Polyposis Coli And A Collapsing Face

 This is a set of frequencies for RNA virus man-made or otherwise,

RNA Virus Infections 70 880 9710 (sq 6883 1028-5 2052-8 3125 4925) Hz

This is a set of frequencies for Adenomatous Polyposis Coli,

Adenomatous Polyposis Coli 40 250 500 2500 (sq 3220-6 4225-3 5619-3 7098-3 8425 9859) Hz

a malfunction force upon the APC gene by the RNA virus impedes normal cell growth and attachment.  When  the virus is introduced into the nasal cavity, the face eventually collapses when left untreated.  If you have difficulties healing, persistent mouth ulcers, darken skins starting at the lower legs or forearms, gums that don't close up...etc., listen to both sets of frequencies.

Good grief!

Monday, September 9, 2024

Time Crystals And What For?

 This is a time crystal,

a fluorite crystal wrap around with a metal.

Does it work?  And What for?


Leiomyoma, Leiomyosarcoma And Blur Vision

 Leiomyoma is a form of benign cancer of smooth muscles and Leiomyosarcoma is malignant cancer of smooth muscles.  On the eyelids these cancers press the eyeball downwards causing blur vision.  The eyelids will appear thicken and drooping.

Leiomyoma 850 980 1800 (sq 1753 2132-3 3212-9 4236-9 5975 8625 9155-4) Hz

Leiomyosarcoma 170 180 800 7500 (sq 4721 1325-8 3552-3 4869 5302-2) Hz

This condition is very common.

Good luck.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Sinkholes, Typhoons And Particle Cannon

 An inertial particle carries force.  When gravity is negated,

a force sideways is resisted by the object's inertial mass.

Is is possible to isolate particles by setting them into circular motion at a particular velocity.  Particles within a narrow range of mass values will circulate inside a torus of a particular radius.  Other masses will collide into the walls of the torus.

It is also possible to deflect and project the isolated particles through an aperture opening in the torus.  The particle are 'fired' off along calculated trajectory half way around the global at a targeted region. 

It is a particle cannon.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Higgs, Atomic Bomb And Inertial

 Remember this,

positive gravity particles lift objects along its path into the air and negative gravity particles pin objects on to the ground, afterwards.  Forces that push objects away from ground zero are not gravity particles but are particles that give objects their inertial(s) (inertial as in the resistance to a force applied). 

If the \(\cfrac{1}{n}\) path leads to Higgs field then Higgs field is an inertial field; when \(F=ma\) then Higgs field provides mass.  This mass is the resistance to a force applied onto the body.  (Calling mass resistance is troublesome because resistance to a force is another force, but here resistance reduces the acceleration as a result of the applied force instead; multiplicative not summative.)

The electric force on a charge and the corresponding electric field is an analogue.

Gravity is not this force that leads to inertial, but we use the resistance to gravity and the resistance to force as if they are the same.  Are they the same?  Pushing an object sideway and holding it up, the same?

Good Grief.

3D Projection Again

 Remember the post "Just Lots of Colors, Retro Disco" on Jun 2014, photon modeled as dipole that can resonate at


and that time energy is the reason things exist and that aluminum is able to reflect this energy.

The image is given "life" by reflecting it from an aluminum coated mirror with an attached speaker sounding off at \(15.088\,\,kHz\) to amplify time photons associated with the projection.

First you don't succeed try and try again... and gain...

Good night.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Tularemia And Blur Vision

 When rats are common and contaminated water are still an issue by malice or otherwise,

Tularemia 60 320 2250 (sq 3250 6750 9750 9650 1500 6820-2 7526-3) Hz

oculoglandular tularemia effects the eyes.

Good luck.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Donovanosis And Teeth Sucking

 This may work for drooling gums and blur vision,

Donovanosis 500 700 970 (sq 8800 3705 5475 6565 7253-7 8255-2) Hz

Donovanosis is a very serious ulcerating disease.  Why is it in the eye?  Your dentist might know.

Good day. 

Monday, September 2, 2024


 人种袋,顾名思义,装“人种”的。把一些“人种”放进去,把另一些“人种”拿出来。如果拿出来的“人种” 不妄语,这些人也没有幻想,木纳呆板,不会变通。如果拿出来的“人种” 不纵欲,这些人也失去动力,无所向,不会耕种求食,无所为,更不会编纺筑楼。。。




