Friday, March 26, 2021

Three Dimensional Time And Multiverse

 We exist in a time particle. Even if we are able to travel thru and fro in time, time we experience in this time particle is in one dimension.  When we depart sufficiently from this time particle, time then is three dimensional, and all that is encapsulated in the time particle is but one of many holographic representations in 3D time.

Inside a time particle, the constant flux of \(\psi\) towards the center, drives time in the forward direction.

If the center of planets are connected; in that by connecting the centers of two planets by a straight line, traveling in the direction of this straight line toward the center, allows one to exit the center of the other planet, then traveling towards the center of a time particle may bring us another time particle, when we are correctly orientated to connect to this other time particle. 

If possible, this is then how we would hop from universe to universe, after we are able to travel beyond this time particle and have a proper perspective of the multiverse.  Maybe, we can aim at the center of the this universe and let luck decides where it will take us.

Good night...