Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Tetrahedron And The Consciousness

 This is a set of Platonic solids

as the surfaces increases, we approach the shape of  a sphere.  Previously, from the posts "What If The Particles Are Photons?" dated 12 Dec 2017 and "Freaking Out Entanglement" dated 14 Dec 2017, time was associated with a cube and space is a sphere in the time dimension.  There are other solids possible, the tetrahedron is the simplest.

What if we consider, a tetrahedron in the time dimension and a sphere in the space dimension.  From the post "Freaking Out Entanglement" dated 14 Dec 2017 (corrected as),


instead of a sphere in time we use the tetrahedron,


The centroid to vertex distance of a tetrahedron of edge \(a\) is,


if this is equal to \(T\) (a unit of time) then its volume is given by,



and so,


where \(T=\cfrac{1}{f}\),


If these are consciousness photons, then the tetrahedron embodies awareness.  Energy are draw from a tetrahedron in time to a sphere in space.

What if, the containment used in space is also a tetrahedron?  From the post "Freaking Out Entanglement" dated 14 Dec 2017,

\(P=3*\cfrac{2}{3}*\cfrac{8\pi f^2}{c^3}*\cfrac{4}{3}\pi{(2c)^3}*\cfrac{1}{2}m_av^2_{rms}\)


\(P=3*\cfrac{2}{3}*\cfrac{8\pi f^2}{c^3}*Vol_{tetra}*\cfrac{1}{2}m_av^2_{rms}\)

Is energy then draw directly into the consciousness?

Just messing with your mind.  光思频率\(=432.220\,\,Hz\)