Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Counting Possibilities

 As we move out of the time particle containing this universe,

time is now 3D, we gain the 8th and 9th dimension.  First we rotation in the time axis that is within the time particle; this is the 10th dimension.  Then, simultaneously, we add rotations to the two time dimensions added as we move outside of the time particle.  Rotations being compacted dimensions.

The effect of rotating the time axis is to aim at the multitude of possible universes made available as we moved out of the time particle containing our universe.  At the next instance along the time axis in the time particle, we enter into the universe, so selected as we aim by rotating the time axes; first the 10th dimension added and then 11th and 12th dimensions together.

At the 10th dimension added, each dimension presents a possibility/variant, as such 10 possible ways.

At the 12th dimension added there are 12 possible variation for each underlying dimensions.

In ancient Chinese astrology, the 10 variations is captured by the 10 Heavenly Stems or Celestial Stems (天干) and the 12 variations are captured by the 12 Earthly Branches or Terrestrial Branches (地支).

The assumption here is that at the next instance in time, it is possible to move along only one of the available/underlying dimensions.   For this reason, 10 and 12 possibilities are made available.

By pairing these two variants, we capture all possible progressions from one instance to the next.  Rotating at the 10th dimension also rotates the 12th dimension as they are all part of the same tuple, 3D time. This mode of pairing results in 60 甲子, another ancient Chinese astrological construct.
