Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Frozen In Time

  From the post "Freaking Out Entanglement" dated 14 Dec 2017,

\(P=3*\cfrac{2}{3}*\cfrac{8\pi f^2}{c^3}*\cfrac{4}{3}\pi{(2c)^3}*\cfrac{1}{2}m_av^2_{rms}\)

instead, we draw energy into a cube in space,

\(P=3*\cfrac{2}{3}*\cfrac{8\pi f^2}{c^3}*Vol_{cube}*\cfrac{1}{2}m_av^2_{rms}\)

does this mean, the passage of time in such a volume is slowed, because time flow is a loss of time energy; the past being of higher time energy.  If we pump enough time energy into such a cube in space to make up for energy loss as time flows, then time stands still!

Freeze!  Time freeze.