Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Water Of Life Not Portable

 Don't drink the water of life created by mixing the two photon beams.  Intestinal worm might be over active afterwards and eat through your stomach by evening.

Obviously deluded...

Counting Possibilities

 As we move out of the time particle containing this universe,

time is now 3D, we gain the 8th and 9th dimension.  First we rotation in the time axis that is within the time particle; this is the 10th dimension.  Then, simultaneously, we add rotations to the two time dimensions added as we move outside of the time particle.  Rotations being compacted dimensions.

The effect of rotating the time axis is to aim at the multitude of possible universes made available as we moved out of the time particle containing our universe.  At the next instance along the time axis in the time particle, we enter into the universe, so selected as we aim by rotating the time axes; first the 10th dimension added and then 11th and 12th dimensions together.

At the 10th dimension added, each dimension presents a possibility/variant, as such 10 possible ways.

At the 12th dimension added there are 12 possible variation for each underlying dimensions.

In ancient Chinese astrology, the 10 variations is captured by the 10 Heavenly Stems or Celestial Stems (天干) and the 12 variations are captured by the 12 Earthly Branches or Terrestrial Branches (地支).

The assumption here is that at the next instance in time, it is possible to move along only one of the available/underlying dimensions.   For this reason, 10 and 12 possibilities are made available.

By pairing these two variants, we capture all possible progressions from one instance to the next.  Rotating at the 10th dimension also rotates the 12th dimension as they are all part of the same tuple, 3D time. This mode of pairing results in 60 甲子, another ancient Chinese astrological construct.


Straighten Up Goldies

 This is an effort to straighten the back of my goldfish,

Tuberculosis, Spinal 222-70, 527-00, 663-71 Hz 

strangely it seems to work.  If you have a curved spine maybe you should try listening to these tone for at least half an hour.

Have nice day.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Three Dimensional Time And Multiverse

 We exist in a time particle. Even if we are able to travel thru and fro in time, time we experience in this time particle is in one dimension.  When we depart sufficiently from this time particle, time then is three dimensional, and all that is encapsulated in the time particle is but one of many holographic representations in 3D time.

Inside a time particle, the constant flux of \(\psi\) towards the center, drives time in the forward direction.

If the center of planets are connected; in that by connecting the centers of two planets by a straight line, traveling in the direction of this straight line toward the center, allows one to exit the center of the other planet, then traveling towards the center of a time particle may bring us another time particle, when we are correctly orientated to connect to this other time particle. 

If possible, this is then how we would hop from universe to universe, after we are able to travel beyond this time particle and have a proper perspective of the multiverse.  Maybe, we can aim at the center of the this universe and let luck decides where it will take us.

Good night...

Saturday, March 13, 2021

推背图,第三八象 辛丑 震下離上 噬嗑


   門外一鹿 群雄爭逐

   劫及鳶魚 水深火熱 



            門外火熱 群雄一鹿

   劫及鳶魚 水深爭逐


Saturday, March 6, 2021

Talking Goldfish Not

 This is 432-22 Hz audio,

tetrahedron 432-22 Hz

which is just the A4 note, before it got changed to 440 Hz.

It does not seem to make goldfish more conscious.  It is audio, not blinking LEDs, though.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Pushing The Limits

 The possibilities so far,

on the two sides of the expression,

\(P=3*\cfrac{2}{3}*\cfrac{8\pi f^2}{c^3}*Vol_{in\,\,space}*\cfrac{1}{2}m_av^2_{rms}=1*\cfrac{1}{Vol_{in\,\,time}}*m_ac^2\)

What happens if a sphere in time (kinetic energy) matches with a cube in space?

Pushing the bull further...

Frozen In Time

  From the post "Freaking Out Entanglement" dated 14 Dec 2017,

\(P=3*\cfrac{2}{3}*\cfrac{8\pi f^2}{c^3}*\cfrac{4}{3}\pi{(2c)^3}*\cfrac{1}{2}m_av^2_{rms}\)

instead, we draw energy into a cube in space,

\(P=3*\cfrac{2}{3}*\cfrac{8\pi f^2}{c^3}*Vol_{cube}*\cfrac{1}{2}m_av^2_{rms}\)

does this mean, the passage of time in such a volume is slowed, because time flow is a loss of time energy; the past being of higher time energy.  If we pump enough time energy into such a cube in space to make up for energy loss as time flows, then time stands still!

Freeze!  Time freeze.

Tetrahedron And The Consciousness

 This is a set of Platonic solids

as the surfaces increases, we approach the shape of  a sphere.  Previously, from the posts "What If The Particles Are Photons?" dated 12 Dec 2017 and "Freaking Out Entanglement" dated 14 Dec 2017, time was associated with a cube and space is a sphere in the time dimension.  There are other solids possible, the tetrahedron is the simplest.

What if we consider, a tetrahedron in the time dimension and a sphere in the space dimension.  From the post "Freaking Out Entanglement" dated 14 Dec 2017 (corrected as),


instead of a sphere in time we use the tetrahedron,


The centroid to vertex distance of a tetrahedron of edge \(a\) is,


if this is equal to \(T\) (a unit of time) then its volume is given by,



and so,


where \(T=\cfrac{1}{f}\),


If these are consciousness photons, then the tetrahedron embodies awareness.  Energy are draw from a tetrahedron in time to a sphere in space.

What if, the containment used in space is also a tetrahedron?  From the post "Freaking Out Entanglement" dated 14 Dec 2017,

\(P=3*\cfrac{2}{3}*\cfrac{8\pi f^2}{c^3}*\cfrac{4}{3}\pi{(2c)^3}*\cfrac{1}{2}m_av^2_{rms}\)


\(P=3*\cfrac{2}{3}*\cfrac{8\pi f^2}{c^3}*Vol_{tetra}*\cfrac{1}{2}m_av^2_{rms}\)

Is energy then draw directly into the consciousness?

Just messing with your mind.  光思频率\(=432.220\,\,Hz\)

Enlightenment And Thought/Awareness Photons

 Beware of mite infected paper masks!

光阴 = time, time photon

光阳 = space photon



‘光思’=thought/awareness photon,思考的时候,头发光。

也许,‘思维’ 是多维间界里的一维。这‘多维间界’又是什么。是‘存在’,existence?
