Friday, October 30, 2020

Do You Still Sleep?

 Breaking down urea in the body using frequency \(266.968\,H\) is dangerous because it produces ammonia again and might over load the liver.  Use this frequency together with ammonia and ammonium breakdown frequencies \(354.750\,Hz\) and \(362.844\,Hz\).  If you have accidentally (or not) drank from swimming pool that has an additive that gels up and change color when it meets with urea in urine, then it is likely that your kidneys are clogged.  Breakdown urea and the gel will flow again.  Drink plenty of water and passes the gel out as urine.  Breakdown ammonia too, although the body does not absorb the gas and it not going to cause chest pain, at the kidneys.

urea CN bond 266-968 Hz

Ammonia NH3 bond 362-844 Hz

Nitrite is added here, because \(H\dot{}\) radicals promotes an immediate alkaline medium that is conducive to its formation.  Nitrite is found in canned food like luncheon meat, sausages, sardines and fish sauce.

But just for the essential urea and ammonia breakdown frequencies combined into one mp3,

urea and ammonia Breakdown 266-968 and 362-844 Hz

Ammonia and ammonium are poisonous and produce adverse reactions in the lungs (chest) and stomach.  They metabolic waste products that the body has no absorption path for.

Using ammonia and ammonium breakdown frequencies reduces the need to sleep.  Leave one awake and refresh without the lethargy as the rest of the body wakes up.

However, the ideal final breakdown products of these frequencies are gases, \(N_2\), \(H_2\).  The accumulation of nitrogen is dangerous, especially in the blood, joints and body tissues.  Exercise to dispel this gas is important, if you feel bloated.  \(H_2\) is safe, it passes through all body tissues.

Non-ideally, because free radicals are produced when the molecules break up, the products are unpredictable.  Transient molecules, unstable, are not likely to cause permanent damage.  Nonetheless, use at your own risk; use only when you need to catch up on sleep.
