Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Disrupting The Nitrogen Cycle

 These set of frequencies focus on nitrogen.  

Ammonium_NH4_Bond 354-750 Hz

Ammonia NH3 bond 362-844 Hz

Nitrite_NO2_Bond 299-792 Hz

Nitrate NO3 bond 287-311 Hz

Based on the old model that chemical bond is like a particle where the bond length is its diameter.  The bond can be set into resonance by a frequency,


or one that is at integer division of \(f_{res}\).  For example, the frequency to set \(N-O\) bond in nitrate to resonance was calculated by,


where the length of the \(N-O\) bond is \(BL=127.3\,pm\)


where \(f_{res}\) is reduced to the audio range (because an audio system is used to produce the required frequency) by a factor of \(10^{15}\).

With sufficient energy , the bonds are broken with the formation of bi-atomic gas, \(O_2\), \(N_2\) and \(H_2\).  The frequencies seem to work as the aquarium clouds up with tiny bubbles that dissipate after the frequencies are removed.  An air pump aerator is better at removing the tiny bubbles than a filter. 

Good night...