Thursday, June 4, 2020

Rojak, Color Blindness And Contingencies

All contingencies trigger an appropriate level of support, as others in the country or alliance response to the contingency.  Do not forget to seek the needed support as one move into a higher level of alertness.  If one abandons the simple distinct trigger, level THREE to level TWO, but decides to read into relevance, partial sections of the next higher level, seek also the support that all agencies are to provide when those sections are NORMALLY initiated when an alert level change is ordered.  Contingencies are brought into being by many brains from many reviews and revisions.  They avoid the common one-man-show scenario and group-think with many blind spots, impromptu haste and hubris.

If one has volunteers moving among the public, please make sure they are tested negative for the disease lest they spread the disease themselves.  One would repeat such tests periodically, as long as such volunteers are in place.

Good leadership adds wisdom.  Other leaders want to throw away the contingency...

Note:  Be specific when one ask for support.  Do not turn the request around and ask instead, "What support can you give?"