Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Mirror, Mirror, Amphichiral Clone

Chiral proteins, especially from fish nourishing the brain, have different chemical properties from the original proteins that they were mirror cloned from.  The problem was, chiral and amphichiral proteins are similar enough that both are assimilated, but given time, chiral proteins 'rot', causing the 'living rot' syndrome.  You turn into a zombie.

The cure was vitamin C (from orange, amla, blackberries, etc).  Chiral plant proteins however, do not rot, but instead project an appearance of eternal youth (not substantiated).  There may be other yet discovered problems, though.  So, vegetarianism is the way to go in Central Asia.

If you must clone a pig...

best still to follow local religious customs in Central Asia and not eat pork, rodent, snake, etc.

What is 和田镜子?  A mirror with a thick sliver coating, activated in a similar way as 和田玉, with gongs and drums.  Ask a Taoist priest.

Then again, people are not that stupid...maybe a mirror does not work, and a thick silver coated mirror clones into a metallic being.  In this case, a 和田镜子 should be a thin piece of jade 薄和田玉 polished into a mirror, not subjected to any vibrations,

Does such a jade mirror reflects the spectra FULLY.

The principle in my mind can clone iron using a polished iron mirror.  Where did the basic particles come from?  The vibrations that the jade is subjected to.  The spectra (mirrored or otherwise) sets the particles in place instantaneously and so clone the object that emits the spectra.   Photons from the spectra provide the needed energy to bring the particles into their relative positions.  These photons are created from energy transitions that is the consequence of the relative positions of the particles. The clone is atomically the same but can be chiral at the molecular level.

If there is a thick suspension of basic particles, intercepting a spectra from an object, with enough inertia in the containing media to hold the created molecules in place (eg. water). maybe you clone.

If you know enough of chiral proteins then food crisis is no longer, if you are presumptuous then zombie becomes of you.

zombies, zombies, zombies!

Note:  这就是为何,和氏璧被称为邪物而被打破成两半,玉佩中间都有个洞, 而且玉不打滑成镜。 ‘和田璧’为何改名‘和氏璧’?  是谁改的?