Monday, May 4, 2020

Thoughts On A Cucumber

What if, the virus mechanism is part of a natural biological process to grow teeth, nails, fangs, claws, beaks, scales, hair, horns and callus?  Along some evolutionary paths, it evolved into venom, caustic digestive juices, paralytics, and other hunting and defensive mechanisms.

What if polio originated from the claws or fangs of some predators.  But we no longer hunt with our teeth and hands and we eat cooked food.  Have we evolved away from a natural virus defense.

What if a pathogenic bacteria is actually a normal cell changed by a virus that still multiplies by cell replications after infection.   The virus after injecting its genetic material, hid inside the cell (now a bacteria) and never reappears.  The virus does not kill the cell, and does not replicate in the cell, but lives as the cell multiplies.  It is replicated together with other genetic materials in the cell.

And what if cancer is such a viral mechanism turned inwards?  When the body grows teeth in the colon, liver...

Why this train of thoughts? ;because Cucurbitacins is an anticancer agent that also makes your hair fall off, loosen your teeth and stunt nail growth in high doses.

Is baldness and cancer negatively correlated?  Is baldness and the flu infection negatively correlated?

This cucumber is way too distracting.