Sunday, May 24, 2020

Economic Hiatus And COVID-19 Tests

As I read about different types of tests for COVID-19, it seems to be me that if the authority suspects a person to be infected with the disease, it should test the individual for the disease.  The tests are improving and can be ready in minutes.

The effort and money spent on 'confinement' is better spent on a singular COVID-19 test.  Pending the outcome of the test, the person is advised to stay home.  The result of the test is either medical care, or ... As of now people restricted, simply wait out the confinement period,  they might still develop the disease afterward.  The incubation period varies greatly.  Why live with such uncertainty if a test give better odds?

There's no need to stop life.  Get tested.

There's no need to stop work.  Get tested.

There's no need to spend billions.  If you still feel like spending your reserves, spend it on COVID-19 tests and medical care.

There's no need to 'follow' people around and charge them in court for 'leaving their homes for no apparent reasons'...

'leaving their homes for no apparent reasons' do not contribute to the pandemic.  Neither does socializing and de-stressing.  The virus is the pandemic, test for it!  If the law is faulty, do not apply the law as if you are a robot.  First make sense; first make GOOD sense.

Restricting access and availability do not disperse the crowds.  A larger crowd forms up somewhere else, less visible and more crowded.  Closing public areas hurdle people onto smaller private areas.  They crowd. Exposure to the disease when you open up shop is the same whether you wrap the shelves up in plastics and make them unavailable (because you think they are not essential) or not.  Making items unavailable in small shops, creates a longer queue at bigger shops where such items are still available.  Social distancing and masks may save the day, but more distance from commonsense is just self sabotaging.  Uncover the shelves, if you decide to open shop, make everything available.

Don't stop the economy, test for the virus.

Don't stop living, test for the virus.

With all the money and effort, if you set up test centers at workplace, at schools, at avenues for the general public, even if it generates a huge backlog of tests you will be more certain to who to subject movement control now.  Only those tested positive are restricted, confined or be shot immediately (with a fine or jail term ;). 

Now everyone get shot, because you encroach upon their basic freedom without commonsense to take the right course of actions.  Cabin fever is deadly, the cure is beer and a leisurely walk.  Test the accused for the virus, because the law was enacted to stop a pandemic.  If he does not have the germs, he did not contravene that law.  He has acted against the words of the law but did not contribute to the pandemic.  All laws serve a purpose; only if one offends against such a purpose, is the law broken.  You cannot confine anyone without first testing the person for the disease.  It is not the value of fairness and justice that is of concern here, but the application of the law.  It is unfair and unjust to confine a person without the disease and base his confinement upon the likelihood that he may develop the disease.  Confined the person with the disease.  Obviously, test both of them for the disease to know better.  Because otherwise, by the same token you will have to arrest all who can hold a knife for murder with a knife, based on the likelihood of murder with a knife.  From reported homicides data from big cities around the world, everyone is confined to home lest they murder someone.

And many, citizens and non citizens, don't eat if they don't work.  Obviously they are complications from COVID-19, another statistics under the rug of hubris and commonsense distancing.  It is not mental health, it is NO MONEY.  Not everyone receive a high monthly government credit to the bank irrespective of the pandemic.  Not everyone receive government reliefs.  They are not invisible.  They are alive.  Seek and help.

Seek and help.

To the list of COVID-19 complications I add, commonsense distancing leading to self-sabotage and if added to a preexisting history of hubris, likely a cause of... your death.

They are not mental, seek and help, irrespective whether they are citizens or foreigners, legal or not legal.

Enough commonsense distancing already.

PS.  Test everyone travelling on the mass transit, establish contact and link the sample swap using contact tracing apps.  Advise them to stay home until their test results is ready.  Follow up.  Have companies and other organizations organize their own test teams.  Help them, provide the tests and analysis.  Follow up.   No need to stop anything.

Follow good SARS advice to avoid infection.

Order those spraying germs from a tube in their palm shot.  Two weeks and your enemies have no chance to invade.