Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Baseless Bolt

Here's a thought, smallpox vaccine to act against SARS-CoV, but it has to be in the lungs and intestines.

If smallpox vaccine does provide some protection, what is the level of vaccination among the vulnerable groups here?

Read this,

Immunity from Smallpox Vaccine Persists for Decades

There could be a positive correlation between those who are not vaccinated against smallpox and the fatality due to SARS-CoV.

The large group of people who are asymptotic, children who are likely to be newly vaccinated with smallpox, people who have not been vaccinated and older persons who have not received smallpox booster shots, are interesting infection demographics as the disease, SARS-CoV, infects the human population.

But first question first, what has the Variola virus got to do with the Coronavirus?  Is it possible that the immune response triggered by vaccination against a Variola virus helps to fight against the Coronavirus?

Read this,

An orthopoxvirus-based vaccine reduces virus excretion after MERS-CoV infection in dromedary camels.

Variola is a orthopoxvirus and MERS-CoV is a coronavirus.  Good news for camels and lamas...but people are still dying.