Monday, September 12, 2016

Particles Big And Small

The vector sum of the force due to two quarter charges (\(\cfrac{1}{4}q\)) is,


which might suggest a single charge of magnitude \(\approx \cfrac{1}{3}q\).  \(F\) is the force due to a charge \(q\).

Which brings us to the suggestion that a quarter charge Helium \(He\), masquerading as \(H\) that manifest a charge of one third the normal charge due to the presence of two quarter charges.  These quarter charge Helium \(He\) atoms might form where big particles (\(a_{\psi\,\pi}\)) break into small particles (\(a_{\psi\,c}\)), in a particle collider, in abundance.

And in general, a new zoo of stable elements made from small particles.